From WoW to FFXIV? Read this

I love the gcd for two reasons:

  1. carpel tunnel syndrome. I click less buttons and my hands hurt less. Having a longer gcd with meaningful spells lets me play for fun and in less pain.

  2. it lets me play on my big screen, laid back and comfortable with my wife next to me watching or doing something else. I dont feel at a disadvantage while gaming on the bed / couch.

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Focus on MSQ, that should expose you to most of the content of the game. Your ARC will lead to SMN and SCH, which are DPS and heals respectively. As for crafting I wouldn’t sweat it too much. FFXIV crafting systems have a lot more depth but are also a lot harder (and a poop ton more expensive) than leveling WoW crafting skills. They’re complete classes (jobs) of themselves, complete with quests, crafting logs, gear, etc.

Just level to 30 and unlock SMN, and try to enjoy the story and aesthetic. SMN is almost always top tier DPS with an engaging rotation.

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I don’t know when they last played, but I recently created an alt just to check out the current leveling experience, and I hit level 15 with a minimal amount of combat. I mostly just ran fetch quests. Even so, I had three buttons by that time. Also, the rotations vary by job. White Mage, for example has a two button DPS rotation:

  • Maintain Aero for a DoT
  • Spam Stone

As well as a very simple healing rotation up until level 50:

  • Keep Regen up as the HoT
  • Cast Cure until Freecure procs
  • Use Cure II to spend the proc
  • Medica II for Mass Healing, followed by Medica if needed

There hasn’t been a rotation that simple in WoW since WotLK, so I could see how someone coming from current WoW would find that off-putting.

Oh it’s no WoW killer for sure, but it might be what pulls me away from WoW for a while, if I ever choose to go back. It’s exactly what I’ve wanted in WoW for years, hah.

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Yeah, there’s not much combat if you know what you’re doing. But if you’re just think “get quest do quest” and hitting up everything you see, there’s a decent amount. So yeah, some are fine to just put their head down and plow through once someone tells him to just beeline the MSQ to the good stuff. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s good to know. Oddly enough, the in depth nature of professions/crafting is what made me decide to check it out. Quests, gear, and the like for professions? Sign me up! It’s fine if it’s challenging. It sounds interesting most importantly.

Top tier DPS is good and all but my main reason is because Summoners (like Black, White, and Red mages) are iconic to me with their summons and their horn helmet. But it’s good to know I’m not handicapping myself and can be optimal AND aesthetically pleasing! xD

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Damage meters are more prevalent than you might think. Its just that people dont talk about them outside of their FC.


While I wouldn’t say no to some more abilities added around the level 35-40 point, I don’t think anything before that really needs to change. lol

I’ve leveled classes recently, and it’s fine. I’ve watched new players recently. It’s fine. It’s just not the right pacing and game style for everyone. And not every game should.

So when the game FIRST came out, they initially tied all the jobs to basic classes. It used to be that you needed level 30 of one class and 15 of another to unlock a job, but a while back they removed the level 15 requirement, so it’s just level 30 of one class to unlock a job.

Conjuror - White Mage (Healer
Arcanist - Scholar (Healer) or Summoner (DPS)
Marauder - Warrior (Tank)
Pugilist - Monk (DPS)
Thaumaturge - Black Mage (DPS)
Lancer - Dragoon (DPS)
Gladiator - Paladin (Tank)

Rogue, which becomes Ninja, was introduced later and requires a level 15 class to unlock. But has no other requirements I’m aware of.

In later expansions, they added jobs that start higher than level 1 that don’t require pre-classes. These are:
Requires Heavensward - these start at 30 or 35 I forget which, but require at least one level 50 job and completion of the realm reborn story to unlock:
Astrologian (Healer)
Dark Knight (Tank)
Machinist (DPS)
Requires Stormblood - start at level 50, require at least one level 50 character(might be 60 - could be misremembering):
Red Mage (DPS)
Samurai (DPS)
Requires Shadowbringer - start at level 60, require at least one level 60 character:
Dancer (DPS)
Gunbreaker (Tank)


Most jobs upgrade at level 30. For example, Conjurer becomes White Mage, and Rogue becomes Ninja. Arcanist is unique in that it splits into two jobs at level thirty that still share the same XP track. So at level 30, you can be a Summoner (DPS) or a Scholar (Healing) all on the Arcanist XP track. The job you upgrade to is dependent on the weapon and job crystal that you’re equipping. If you equip the Summoner crystal, you’ll be in Summoner mode. If you swap out to your Scholar crystal, you’ll be in Scholar mode. All the XP you earn as a Summoner also levels you up as a Scholar and vice versa because they’re both considered Arcanists.

Blue Mage and Red Mage have their own XP tracks, and they become available at level 50. They start out at level 30, kind of like how Death Knights originally started at level 58. Blue Mage is considered a “limited job,” so it can’t queue for dungeons. Mostly because traditional scaling does not apply to a Blue Mage, and they’re often able to punch way above their weight class. On the other hand, Blue Mages have insane XP bonuses on the open world, and killing a mob as a Blue Mage often gives the same amount of XP that a FATE or levequest would.

Other jobs that become available at higher levels include:

  • Astrologian
  • Machinist
  • Dark Knight
  • Samurai
  • Gunbreaker
  • Dancer

The next expansion is adding a new Reaper class, too.

If you hit the ‘J’ button, you can bring up your detailed quest log, and each quest has a box to the right of it. If you keep clicking on the box until the :no_entry_sign: appears, you can hide that quest from the quest tracker that you’re talking about.


It gets really engaging later on then. Can summon Demi-Bahamut and Phoenix. :slight_smile:


I think both games have their niche. FFXIV to me seems a lot more single playerish than wow does.

Yes, but also no.

Its against ToS to have them but there is no way to detect it unless a GM is actively monitoring you for evidence. So as long as you say nothing or do nothing to implicate yourself, addon all you want.


FFXIV does not support addons, and they’re technically against the terms of use. As long as you’re not broadcasting your usage of them, though, they’re tolerated.

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I believe the default hotkey is J for Journal in FFXIV.


The key issue is that the pacing and game style of the most recent content can be someone’s style, while the starter content is not.

The early game experience is not representative of the endgame.

And there’s no easy solution, because much of what the game is now is completely reliant on what came before. The game is fantastic now specifically because of its history and story, both in-game and on a meta level.

Thank you both.


I personally feel like anyone who doesn’t like the start probably also won’t fully like the end… and if they end up pushing through, they’ll be one of those grumpy palace of the dead ‘we can’t kill even one enemy we don’t have to or I’m gonna whine about you going slow’ players. lol

Yes, that’s what I read about the Blue Mage, and that’s fine about them not being able to do dungeons. From what I hear the dungeon experience is decent in FF? But I am mostly looking to explore and stop and smell the roses. I never got to be a Blue Mage in FFXI. The concept of them is exciting, learning abilities from creatures out in the world. And I love their aesthetic, although I think I prefer their overall aesthetic from XI. That doesn’t matter though.

And thanks for the info! Good to know I’m on the right path so far. I am on the trial version now, I guess I only have access to the “vanilla” game, up to level 50? Do y’all know if I’m on a time limit with this trial? Like I said I wanna get my “moneys worth” hue hue hue with this free version but if I end up liking it (so far so good) I will probably look into a purchase in the future.

It’s not necessarily that they can’t detect them - they can. They just won’t do anything about it unless you weaponize them against other players.

I can’t speak broadly, but I know quite a few people that directly contradict that feeling of yours.