From WoW to FFXIV? Read this

Have fun…but I don’t think this about World of Warcraft anymore, ‘Dorothy’ lol xo

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Yeah, I remember how it works, but not having a real time meter is an issue for me. That parser overlay is a nightmare to use. Maybe that’s gotten better since the last time I played.

You should have a MSQ tracker at the top left of your screen by default, if you follow that quest line it should progress you through the story.


I’m surprised it hasn’t been moved to the Off-Topic category tbh.

To respond to your points:

GCD is slow, but rotations can be quite complex, significantly more so than WoW in the cases of jobs like NIN. Savage content is engaging to the point where the speed of the GCD pairs very well with dealing with mechanics.

Inventory system is literally as bad as base WoW. The issue is that you have one character to support all jobs so you end up hoarding a lot of junk. I agree that this is an issue, but one I would enjoy having in WoW if it meant that one character could play multiple (if not all) classes. Yes, you can purchase additional retainers as part of your monthly sub, but this is 100% optional and I only ever do it when I’m playing multiple jobs in end game content.

DPS meter is 100% a non issue. Everyone uses it. Yes, it violates ToS, and no one really cares. If you actually get in any trouble using DPS meters, then you’re probably using it for the reason that it’s technically forbidden: to harass other players. Don’t go into parties and accuse people of having crap DPS, or if you do, don’t be specific of exactly how crap their DPS is.

LFR raids are not endgame content in the way that it is in WoW. LFR raids are there for token gear. Savage/extreme content, i.e., boss fights, is where end game is actually at. These boss fights can be extremely difficult and are especially rewarding.

I have well over 1000+ hours into FFXIV across 3 platforms, and the game has issues to be sure. It’s stupidly difficult to start off because ARR is FFXIV at its most boring, yet much of the enjoyment from the game stems from its S-tier story that especially pays off in later expansions. Also the PVP sucks. But your points are simply not good, misleading, or just inspired from ignorance in the way end game content works.



Yeah, those are more-or-less for when you pick up another class. Save them for later. :slight_smile: Priority should be Class Quests > Main Story Quests > Blue + Quests. The first two will be listed in the upper-left corner of the screen by default.

The Blue + Quests will unlock features like dyes and dungeons not related to the main story. Not the highest priority, but they’ll always have a worthwhile reward.

And yeah, I’m not sure if I’m feeling the brass dye job quite yet. Although the spear manifests an energy dragon at its tip when unsheathed, so I’m digging that. :slight_smile:


It really hasn’t. Still pretty clunky, at least as of a year or so ago - I stopped using it when I realized I was only doing so because of a WoW hang-up. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep. When recruiting people from WoW, I always remind them to play FFXIV as FFXIV. If you pick it up and try to play it with the same set of expectations you have for modern WoW, you’re going to be disappointed. But if you’ll willing to expand your viewpoint beyond that hyper-focus on the endgame loot treadmill, you’ll be richly rewarded.

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They might as well remove the leveling experience in WoW at this point. They obviously only care about the end game.


I would say they obviously put a lot of effort into the leveling experience recently, and that it feels better than it did before. I don’t “hate” the leveling experience in retail, I just think Classic does it better when it comes to feeling like you’re going somewhere, and FFXIV does stories much better.

I like that my job (class) has a story. I loved that about Legion. I love class identity. It’s one reason I enjoyed tier sets.

They obviously stopped caring about class identity. It’s expansion story identity in WoW now, and I hate that. I’m not invested in the story of the year, I’m invested in my character. They stopped investing in my character or giving me investments for that.

In classic, I have (very basic) class quests and sets and identity. That matters to me. In FFXIV they’re all about my class until recently when it’s about role, but my character identity matters in the game. If I want to be a monk, I do monk stuff, for example. Heck, if I want to work on a profession, that has its own stories, too.

Individual progression also matters to me. I need to be able to grow my character in a way that matters outside of organized group content. Leveling in SL, even with the revamp, doesn’t really provide that in ways that the other two games I mentioned do.

If you’re looking to log in and only really run organized group content, Shadowlands and the future are probably for you. If you’re looking for more, there are way better options now.

Seriously. What purpose does it serve at all? Just remove it. Lock features behind the story if they really want us to play through the story of an expansion, and carry on. No more worrying about level squishes and how the “story” “flows” during the leveling experience.

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Classic is the same way, and it did fine. The “some players” you’re referring to are already experienced with MMOs. New players don’t need dozens of buttons. Personally, I prefer four-button rotations. I think the “flaw” that you’re perceiving is actually a strength that is currently elevating FFXIV to the top of the heap.

The role quests still have me giving it the side-eye… but they actually seeded each individual role quests with a thread that comes together with the rest of them when you’ve completed them, giving you a unique bit of narrative if you’re playing every role. That little touch almost redeems them abandoning class quests. And even then, they still did add some capstone class quests post-role quest.

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lady, your character customization is over the roof. 10/10, i love it. didnt know humans could look like that lol

That may very well be, but it is not a trend I’ve noticed in my own limited personal experiences. I’ve had far too many friends burn out before they even get their job crystals and they tend to directly note how “boring” the combat is. It’s not just MMO veterans either.

I’m not saying they need a ton of buttons right at the beginning, but a more cohesive package to give you an “objective” beyond “press 1 1 1 1 1 1 for single-target and 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 for AoE” at the beginning.

The important quests are labeled with a special icon that indicates that they’re either part of the MSQ or that they unlock a feature like dungeons, chocobos, glamours, etc. You definitely want to prioritize those (with the exception of the hard mode dungeons that unlock every 10 levels because those are pretty much optional). As far as the other stuff, do it if you want, or don’t. I personally save the optional quests to help me level up other jobs by taking them when they’re still level appropriate.

I’m a bit confused on the jobs, I know that you can play all classes on 1 toon, but I guess some jobs unlock other jobs? Like Arcanist leads to Summoner? I’d like to eventually become a summoner. And a Blue or Red mage. I know some jobs are tied to expansions, I’m going to get my moneys worth out of the free trial for now.

But I also want to do crafting as well. Which are treated as their own jobs or “classes” from what I’ve seen here. I’m mostly just checking things out but I already have those in mind for “long term goals.” Although I haven’t settled on a crafting/farming job yet. Probably fishing and cooking for starters. I am watching a video on fishing right now, and it looks pretty in depth (compared to WoW)

I’m level 5 now so I guess I will focus on the “Current Main Scenario” quest in the top left corner. I have a quest log on the right side of the screen and don’t know how to hide those so I’ll ignore them for now.

What work has wow put into to leveling recently? “Hey Jimmy, squish the numbers and click the scaling button for all the old zones. Oh, yeah and put that little time traveling gnome dragon in stormwind and orgrimmar. Wanna grab some lunch now?”

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DPS meter forbidden and clown LFR environment is why WoW GD likes FFXIV, because it makes it harder to recognize bads and that’s them. Plus they can furiously wank to their cat girl character.

Does FFIV have addons like WoW?