From WoW to FFXIV? Read this

Getting your first house is a daunting one. Until they change the system, which they said they would recently… DO NOT EXPECT IT CHANGE MUCH THOUGH.

The timer for when a plot becomes available to purchase is hidden. It can be anytime from 1 hour to 24 hours for the timer to go away.

2 options. Spam click placard of the plot for hours until its available, you’re likely not be alone doing this, usually 2 to 10 ppl could be fighting over a plot.

Or get an apartment. Cheap widely available, no nonsense.

Getting a house the first time means you never have to fight for a placcard again, cuz you can relocate to any vacant plot bypassing timer.

People should just try it themselves. You can enjoy more than just wow. Don’t need to just hide in a corner and shut yourself off from the world.

Some of these ‘reviews’ that I see on wow forums just really make me question if these reviewers have played the game. For example, yes, the gcd is longer but basically, all classes have built in off-gcd abilities in their rotation, so the apm is about the same as wow. People act like dps meters are such a major no-no, but most ffxiv palyers ive played with use dps meters. You just dont link it in random party-finder groups. I mean…you wouldn’t even do that in wow lmao, it’s not that big of a deal.

It’s just a video game ya’ll, try it if you’re bored and looking for a new experience. If you don’t like it, who cares.

It’s cringe because people will hate on anything wow doesn’t have as a justification for its lack of that feature.


The tabs are similar to WoW’s bags however there is a UI option to see them all at once if you don’t like going between them. Why complain about inventory UI in ff on a wow forum in the first place?

I guess. Idk why. I’m not bashing WoW for not having housing or anything. Heck if anything we’re all kind of criticizing XIVs far from perfect housing. Lol

Pretty much what you said here is how I feel about it.


And that’s fine as long fanboys don’t try to push it on WoW forums

Good to know there’s options. I just started last night because of this thread. Am level 4, I picked a server. Sargattanas? It offered an experience bonus incentive and I had no other reference for what would be a good server. I looked up “LGBT friendly” servers and saw Faerie was (aptly) the place to go, but it was full up. So I said ah well.

It’s something I really want, I think player housing is a fun concept, but am in no rush to get it, so it sounds like based on these responses I should be fine.

I will say, I wanted to rent a chocobo but the NPC told me it would irresponsible to rent one out to someone so PAINFULLY and OBVIOUSLY new (his words)

I haven’t laughed that hard in a while. But I have a ways to go. I’m mostly putzing around Limsa Lominsa now. I got my Carbuncle so I’ve already accomplished one major goal. XD


Welcome home.


Player housing is great. I love my house on XIV, it’s something I always wished WoW would add.

If you need help with anything and you’re on the Primal datacenter, I’m always down to help new players. :slight_smile:

Edited to add: As far as LGBT friendly servers, all of them. Literally all of them. XIV has a huge LGBT community and pretty much every realm has tons of LGBT players. There’s even entire FCs (guilds) of LGBT players on my realm, and RP FCs even though we’re not a ‘RP realm’ like Mateus or Balmung.


Awesome, im on sargatanas too! Visit my home in the mist! Feylenn felodal <3


I think my datacenter is Aether… I really took a shot in the dark during the selection menu, I had no idea what a datacenter was. It’s basically the difference between NA/EU servers or am I wrong on that?

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Im on Famfrit if anyone is interested. Apparently a few streamers play there.

My name is Xaruko Nexume :slight_smile: Hope to hear from you lot.


A data center is like a cluster of servers that are grouped together for things like group finding, and “cross realm zone” like in WoW. Im sure a more experienced Eorzean can give more info than that.

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I think Aether and Primal are both NA datacenters, and Crystal as well. Light is Japan/EU I think. I don’t really remember tbh, I’ve always played on Primal so I don’t know the other datacenters well. Lol


Nice, good to know! I am too lazy to edit my posts so this is just a response to all y’all.

You’re making it too easy to run out of likes, I only have a few left and I haven’t even left work yet. xD

Thank you for giving it an honest chance. And your own chocobo ain’t too far away either.

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I got my first chocobo just yesterday. Would have had him two days sooner if I realized I had enough currency already to get the license or whatever it was lol. I love that your mount can fight with you and you get to name it. Like I really love it.

My chocobo is named Prilly, a cross between the names of my two IRL cats :slight_smile:



NA is Aether/Crystal/Primal
EU is Chaos/Light
JP is Elemental/Gaia/Mana

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My chocobo is Chocojoe. I like that you can level it up and teach it skills the way hunters used to be able to for their pets. I understand that eventually you can max out all their stats, but for now, my chocobo is primarily a healer with a little DPS thrown in.


Sargatanas represent! I wonder if I’ve seen you around… Kawa Tokugawa here. Not a weeb, I swear. :wink: Just following naming conventions.


I needed paragraphs. Sorry I couldn’t read it. I’m sure it was enlightening.