From SOD to Era, what changes would you take?

What changes from SOD would people consider possibly worth bringing over to era? Is anything like this even remotely on the cards?

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The closest thing i can think of that would be like what you say is if SoD got a permanent server like SoD era



i dont think so

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SoD was promised permanent servers after the season ends. SoD characters will go there. Era - no more changes.


The only thing I really liked with the SoD changes was the balanced PVP servers. Layers messed up what that was supposed to do though.

At least the technology from the balance thing was put to Cata Grobbulus to keep it balanced (and I don’t play Cata, but I’ve got some friends there who like the balance and play there for that).

I know that some people like certain things about SoD and the SoD people were promised some sort of server to retain certain things, but I can’t think of anything that I’d want to have copied to Era. Instead, I can think of things that I absolutely would hate to see copied to Era.


I hope they dont dump them on era again like SoM


Only way this might possibly happen is if they give options. Could look like:

  1. Keep runes/gear and go to wherever 2019 progression is located (currently Cataclysm). By “keeping runes” meaning abilities will for the most part be accessible to your class just not in the rune format.
  2. Lose runes/gear and go to Era. Gear will revert to Era stats or if no equivalent in Era will be lost or maybe provided a substitution (level appropriate). I’d probably go with removing everything that doesn’t exist in Era like the mounts from BM and Gnomer etc as well.
  3. One PVP and one PVE SoD trophy case server that remains at 60 with all the stuff accrued there but no further development. Just maintenance.
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Longer shaman weapon imbues makes sense to me lol, as an example.



None. This game has been entertaining people for coming on 20 years. I don’t play Classic Era with any expectation of change, nor do I want any.


I sure hope not.

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please no

weapon imbue visuals were broken for a very long time
please leave them alone now that they’re fixed

As I recall the devs have already stated there will be some sort of permanent SoD, and that the SoD toons will go there.

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Really the only way because sod gear is just so vastly different and there have been so many rewards added / changed that no one will let go without crying “OMG YOU STOLE MY REWARDS”

overall the best path forward is a bespoke server OR delete characters.

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The level caps while introducing content is kind of nice, imo.

I don’t think so.

Maybe this should be more of a SoD Forums discussion.


I think SoD Era server is better than deleting the characters.

The cost to run such a server is minimal relative to the value added from the reminder of what is likely to happen when making wild changes to classes.

And honestly, if they keep tuning they may eventually fit one niche or another near perfect and there could be people who actually enjoy those servers for a long time.

Its possible and I do wish the best for them, just not gonna be the beta test guy. =/ In the mean time leveling up Alch for PVP consumes!

Nice, i’m prob gonna make the empty profession on the rogue tailoring to make a ton of black mageweave boots.

Here are some possible seasons for blizzard:

  • Season of Vanilla (SoV) - new zone, dungeon, island, and raid. no class change
  • Season of Fresh (SoF) - fresh server that resets every so often. no changes, yes phases.

Just one day.
One day of doing without this vintage, please.

Isn’t it in vogue right now with the whole deviate delight movement and general community hunger for such?