From 2500 to 1900 in Bgb in one weekend, this is my experience

So I manage to hit a new low. I started out the week at 2517, I lost two games in the 2500 mmr bracket, then was placed into a 2100mmr bracket, lost the game as well; Next lobby I was in was a 2k mmr; won that match, earned Zero rating. Understandable, low mmr lobby, high personal mmr. makes sense. Next game, tossed into a 1800 bracket mmr; ok… thats a little bit of a let down, but hey, if i win this, I will not get any points but it should boast my mmr so I am back into 2.1- 2.2 mmr. Wrong. I win the match, que up. Next lobby. 2k mmr. Ok, this kinda sucks, winning didn’t improve my mmr, and still have not gotten a single point for my wins. Surely if I win one more I’ll be back in the MMR bracket that I started in.

I could have not been farther from the truth, next game 1800 mmr. Loss. Minus 20. Next game 2k mmr lobby. Loss. Minus 20. Next lobby, 1800 mmr, Loss. Minus 23. This trend continued, for the entire weekend.

I am a determined fool of a human, and thought to my self, well surely if I manage to string together a few wins, fix the mmr, and get back to lobbies were at least ill earn some kinda of rating.

Not the case, as of right now my weekly stats are 26 wins, out of 63 games. Its gotten to the point, where now, I am placed into 1700 to 2k Max Mmr brackets. and every wins nets me zero points, and every loss, is 15 minimum.

At one point, I strung together 5 wins in a row. Not a single point to CR, and zero movement to the mmr.

I have played this game since vanilla, and never have I experienced such a level of despair in pvp as I do in blitz, I feel as though I completely bricked my character and there is no points to even que for blitz anymore, everything to lose and nothing to gain.

Its disheartening, and feels that all the grind I did early on was all for nothing. I understand how the mmr system is supposed to work, but in blitz, it clear to me that the system that in place now, is completely broken, and actively makes the game less fun.

Losing matches is part of the ebb and flow of pvp, losing a string of matches is to be expected, but up until now, I believed if you just stay at the grind, work on improving your game play, help your team out and avoid toxicity, you can and will climb in any pvp scenario.

After 20 years playing this game, this is the only time where I felt, no matter how much time you sink into your grind, there is absolutely no way improve, and by staying at the grind, you are actively hurting your chances at improving at all.

It feels completely backwards. I made an alt on a separate account. cruised to 2.3k, losses didn’t lose any rating, and I was getting 20 points a game.

But the one character I actively want to play feels completed bricked in the sense of improvement.

So heed my warning, The MMR death spiral is real, if you hit your goals, just stop there and roll an alt, unless of course you don’t care about CR, then have it.



Playing BGB for rating at the moment is just asking to get frustrated.
If you want to keep a high rating, the real “smart” play is to duo queue and luck out on win streaks, get high and call it quits.
Once your character gets busted rating, you can’t return from that unless you live and breathe WoW.


dude this is exactly what happened to me today. From 2AM this morning until now, i have dropped over 250 CR and have not seen any gain at all. I’m convinced this is actually torched.

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I really feel for the OP. I wonder if a Blizzard dev reading posts like this can grasp just how frustrated this player must be.

But I have a suggestion: treat the blitz battleground like a random battleground—the rating is just a bonus. That way, everything becomes a lot more understandable.


They added an option to hide spiders in the game.
They should add an option to hide ratings in the game.
Some people cannot handle it and would have a lot more fun if they could not see it.
Sometimes, ignorance can be bliss.


While not to this degree, i had a 380 point CR drop, which included a 3 minute internet outage at my house, leading to a -200. I eventually did get out of the slump, I believe you can too. If you have to, find a friend to queue with.


it seems you rushed up the ladder by pure rng luck. now the opposite is happening to even it out.


I don’t understand getting put into a 1300 vs. 1200 MMR lobby when I had a win rate of 90% on an alt with ten games played. It is just totally setting you up to get screwed, which we did… lost 17 rating with ten games played at 1450 CR just because Blizzard thinks it is a good idea to put people into matches that are hundreds of MMR below their personal MMR with a 90% win rate.

Imagine that… we lost CR in our second loss of the season. System is total trash.

How in the F do you have a system that punishes for you for having a high win percentage? Why are we getting put into 1100 to 1300 matches with win rates ranging from 85% to 100%. Do we need to win 300% of our games for this not to happen?


I 100% agree with you. The rating and matchmaking system isn’t fair. Blizzard wants to prioritize shorter wait times over fairness. In theory, a truly fair rating system wouldn’t factor in wait times at all, making it essentially a partially random battleground system.

But it does need some major overhaul. At least don’t take off too many points from high rating players when 2400mmr and 1300mmr players are merged into a team to shorten wait time. I would say, just deduct 1 point from the 2400mmr player if his teams loses a 1300 mmr game.

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It’s dealing the cards that are in the shoe, so to speak.

It’s the curse of climbing in RT. The laws of averages are gonna try to pull you down.

Some could argue for stronger team filtering, have here in many forms, but the cost will always be longer Q times.

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game mode is actually trash. Blizz dev thought for 5mins implemented and then left out the important part of how it works. This is like the Zune, good idea on paper but failing on delivery and support. The Zune could have been a great competitor to apple ipod but MS didnt do anything to make it work in its own ecosystem, thus a branded 3rd party mp3 player. If they put in the time to make the mode have proper mmr and ability to rise/fall properly with more than simple win/loss indicators then it would be a loved mode which could bring people back into pvp.

It is, or at least people are playing it.

Last 72 hours according to drustvar, in player games, (a player Qs and gets a game):

RBG 14,160
3s 70,200
RBGB 70,208
RSS 99,378

We get ZERO matches at higher MMR though. It is ALL <1400 teams. Law of averages says we SHOULD be getting some higher MMR matches as well. But, we don’t. Ever.

This is 100% a byproduct of 1100 to 1300 MMR players not existing in the first week and a half.

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In what world is it acceptable for someone to lose CR on their second loss of the season just because Blizzard keeps placing them in matches hundreds of MMR below their personal MMR?

Such a world does not exist.

My frostyk is regularly in 2k AMMR games, The rest not, so far, So they do happen.

Maybe time of day is a factor? It is clear they aren’t filtering out folks with high MMR from the rest of the playerbase, so having teams with a wide range is probably gonna be the norm.

Higher you are on the ladder the higher the chance of being the top guy on a team. /shrug

OP, as soon as you started getting placed in low MMR games you should have stopped. They tried doing that to me so I just changed specs and will go back to my main specs in a month and a half after players have been more thoroughly sorted.

Dang, I gained 100 rating from 2600 to 2700 :confused:

I whole hearted agree, that, in order to preserve my CR, I should have stopped playing. The thing is, I enjoy pvping, I want to play the game, The idea of grinding to a certain CR only to be force to stop because you want to protect your ranking just seems ridiculous. Its like saying "just the play the game, but don’t play too much or you will have a terrible time.

I get that you should lose some points on a loss, I understand that you should ‘feel’ a string of losses, but 500+ swings? It is incredibly unreasonable.

Even if lost 200 points this weekend and had climb back, I am ok with that, I don’t mind the grind, that is half the fun, hence why most of us like playing this game.

I played Path of Exile for years, crafted mirrored items, I am no stranger to what kind of abuse RNG gods can inflict upon a player, but this?

This is some next level Rng abuse, to the point that it has me wearing a tin foil hat contemplating if this is even rng, or straight up by design to extend ‘player engagement’.

I get having a string of bad luck. Hell, I’ve been told that if I didn’t have bad luck I wouldn’t have any luck at all. That is why I grind and persevere to off set my terrible luck.

But this is the 1st time I have ever played a game, where grinding and persevering is a detriment to the gaming experience.

In a game about grinding and making numbers go up or down, this by far has the worst feeling design I have ever encountered.

And that my main issue, I’m fine with grinding and working for a goal as long as its fun and feels good along the way, but as the poe players say.


When did you reach the 2500 rating initially?

I agree, I wish the climb and descent was slower. Even just losing 2 games in a row feels defeating and makes me not want to play. I know if I lose my 3rd game I am dropping a ton of points and will need to win a couple in a row to get out. In a coin-flip game mode it is very discouraging.

I still hate how the “solution” people suggest is “just duo queue bro”. I am playing a SOLO game mode for a reason.