Frog farmers, gate abusers... all stem from the same problem

Absolutely, but it does not make obscene time investment required for this event become valid.


Absolutely not. This is limited not retail. Only things we keep are the cosmetics and mounts etc.

You are one of the enlightened few that realise the cloak stats are not the problem, the Bronze cost to upgrade gear is.


You are right, I need to get back to ripping toenails off mobs to exchange for Bronze.

Have fun with the conversation, hopefully Blizzard buffs progression rates massively for everyone soon.

IDK if the rate of bronze feels like it needs to be higher… The main issue seems to be upgrading gear. That specific thing needs to be changed. It doesn’t feel good and it’s a huge turn-off.

The main issue with MoP Remix, IMO, is that it just doesn’t feel good to reach max level. You have this amazing OP fun experience from like 10-50, and then it slows down until you feel weak. It’s in direct opposition of how leveling should feel. You’re leveling backwards here and ending up weaker than you started by putting the effort in.

Levels 50-70 need to be significantly tuned down.


You have to hand it to Blizzard, really.

Only this company would look at what’s happened with the frog and goat and gate farmers and conclude that the solution is to remove them and ban people. Instead of, you know, looking at the situation and realizing that doing so just treats the symptom, not the problem which is too limited an amount of dropping resources in the first place.

In other words, “we want to force them to spend more time grinding” instead of “let’s figure out a way to engage them and make everyone happy.”

Small indie company, indeed.


The only exploit was people from the gate


Yes, but it’s a symptom of the problem, not the problem itself.

The problem is actually that the Remix devs haven’t found a way to make the time spent in the game mode rewarding enough so that people WON’T need to find ways to bypass it. That sort of thing could be solved with a massive increase on threads & bronze drops but also a daily cap on earning. There are other ways, too.

But no, it’s just making people pissed off even more.

(And I say this as someone who hasn’t done any frog, goat or gate farming at all. I’ve only gained what I’ve got from one leveling character doing the entire story, I’m only up to starting Dread Wastes.)


Too limited resources but also

  • Conflicting use of the same resource (gear upgrades vs rewards)
  • Prices being too high even if you increased resource acquisition
  • A single method for acquiring better gear
  • The cloak grind which doesn’t appear to have any cap to it
  • The belief that running old content would be “fun enough” for people to want to do it despite the above

Fix resource acquisition and costs, the problem decreases. Provide alternative means of getting gear upgrades (boss drops), and you further decrease the perceived need. Then put a cap on the cloak and people who take it slower/didn’t exploit can catch up eventually/not feel so far behind. Doesn’t solve the last part, but gets you to a much better place.


Yeah, and it’s the one problem they don’t intend to fix until after Q2 assuming they feel a need to bump up their sub numbers or milk a modicum of goodwill out of their users.

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I am going to laugh so hard when every one of these Remix rewards ends up on the Trading Post over the next 2 years.

There’s enough crane recolors to last a lifetime.

The idea that you should or could try to collect absolutely everything in World of Warcraft is just baffling. I’m hitting the vendor and can’t even choose what to buy because it’s just a bunch of stuff that I’ll forget I have in an hour.

Got myself a Shadow-Pan outfit and a Dark Shaman outfit…and like 2 mounts. I might save up and buy some of the cloud serpents. The vast majority of folks don’t need millions of Bronze to pick out the things they like.

How nice for you…


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‘heavily undertuned’

please: it’s the 6th day of the 14 week event.
the decision making and motivations of mob farmers are the problem, not what blizzard has made. i couldve had every cosmetic i could want, had i not spent any bronze on power in order to keep up on aggro with mob farmers in group content.

So sick of people saying they “need” to find insta-respawn exploits when every dungeon and raid boss drops two epic threads and every quest drops one. There is no problem with threads. You just want to be done with everything in one week. End of story. I hope they nerf every damn spawn point you people find.

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I think the actual problem is…
This event mode was billed by Blizzard as players being able to be Overpowered and fun. It’s in their own trailer.
Players realized very quickly that the actual mode wasn’t anything close to that. At least not in any way that wasn’t going to take months of heavy grinding to achieve. Where’s the fun mode in that?
So of course players were looking to get to that point as quickly as possible.
Honestly surprised Blizzard didnt just lean into it. Instead, they seem more concerned with nerfing and metering power. The exact opposite of what they implied this game mode would be.


‘At least not in any way that wasn’t going to take months of heavy grinding to achieve. Where’s the fun mode in that?’
for those of us that enjoy playing the game, enjoy playing our favorite classes and specs, and enjoy having something like this as a little treat between play sessions with our friends and guilds? you’re looking at the fun. MMOs have historically been about farming, this is no different; if that isnt fun for you, you dont much sound like an MMO player to me.

‘So of course players were looking to get to that point as quickly as possible.’
the difference, is the mob farmers were farming mobs, and not the content that blizzard touted as easier to make a group to do by lowering level requirements.

‘Honestly surprised Blizzard didnt just lean into it.’
so the community can collectively burn out on the 14 week event a week in? either by getting bored because you 1 shot all the content in the first hour of play, or by not getting to play the content because it’s 1 shot. both sides will get bored fast, leaving 12 weeks left in the event that blizzard spent money to make, and didnt even have to make.

Play the regular game then.
They literally billed this as be overpowered and have fun.
Did they say day 1? No, but what would be the point of spending 2/3 of the available time grinding and only getting 1/3 of the overpowered fun? Plus having to play every single day to achieve it?


it’s easy to understand

why is it so hard to understand that you don’t have to get all rewards? leave it to the lads that have the time
focus on the ones you actually like and seek treatment for any obsessive compulsive disorder that may plague you.

but don’t cheat.

I’m on my 3rd character because I wanted to level alts easily , and be OP with then like blizz advertised.

Please level 3 characters and then attempt for farm the 1.8 MILLION bronze required to make them all feel “OP” like blizz advertised and then get back to me.

Betting its not even possible to do before the event is over and done with.


Yes, they do.

This is a leveling mode with whacked out talents to play with in addition to your class’s usual abilities and a myriad of great rewards to pick and choose from.

But folks are insisting on bringing their ‘endgame is the real game’ mindset into it and making endgame progression, gear and otherwise, and competing against other players their focus, when, in actual fact, there is very little to be gained from it as there are very few rewards that can be carried over into regular WoW specific to heroic/mythic content. There aren’t even any leaderboards.

If folks just played the mode as intended, making gains naturally as they are leveling a bunch of alts, playing with the whacked-out talents, making choices from a variety of reward options, none of this, not the farming, not the nerfs, not the jealousy, not the spite, not the ‘demoralization’ from other players being significantly more powerful, would be happening.

Like so much else in WoW, this is a 100% a player-generated problem.

Personally, I would like to see the gear costs dropped significantly allowing those players to get thru their progression and leave, so the rest of us can enjoy and discuss the mode, as it was intended to be played, in peace. I’ve only been on the forums off and on for an hour and already had to mute seventeen threads, all repeating the exact same complaints about this self-generated issue, so they aren’t cluttering up my page with their nonsense.

(Note: I am not including scaling in that; that is an actual game issue that does need to be addressed by Blizzard.)