Frog farmers, gate abusers... all stem from the same problem

Agreed, it’s one of those wierdo grey areas blizz shouldn’t have created in the first place or fixed waaaaay back. If it’s an exploit now and we must punish all then we gotta roll back thousands of people who have been using it for years to grind out rep and coins, myself included.


Yep, all of the fault lies with Blizzard and punishing players is not the correct solution in this situation. They need to be lifting everyone else up and making this mode actually worth playing.

It does suck that people are gatekeeping, but do you know just how overtuned and awful that content actually is for someone that does not have frog blood in their veins?


Some froggers are 100% breeding toxicity as well, buuut I redirect back to Blizzard bred it in the first place. That’s likely alot less to do with them frogging and just being a rude individual in general lol.


Because this remix is a limited time event, that’s merely one reason why the bronze drop rate should be heavily buffed or costs substantially nerfed. There’s some nice rewards, but too many and too expensive.


A lot of frog haters are also breeding an insane amount of toxicity, and they should be mad, they just need to direct it at Blizzard.


Everything flows both ways.

Reunite and witch-hunt the right guys!


Which I cannot stress is likely something that would have been addressed, had everyone gotten to that point at roughly the same time and all hit the exact same wall.

Because now Blizzard is working off data that says “Oh the players are actually clearing the content” when in reality, its just Froggers clearing the content, with the plebs they carry along with them, while doing very very small changes to try and close the gap now that they did close the frog farms.

Thus as I said, which you seem to agree even if you are too bootlicking to accept it; Exploit early. Exploit often.

If I assume you’d say it “Make creative use of gameplay mechanics that clearly isn’t exploiting because of course it can’t be wink wink and make sure to do it quickly before Blizzard fixes it and then /laugh at those who will need a carry.”


not everyone can be superman in the justice league, sorry you got to be robin.

Homie chill I remember you said I hate “frog abusers” too no bro we all want frogs back and threads and bronze buffed everywhere else so we don’t have to hear people angry about only farming frogs

Why is it so hard to understand that most people don’t want to grind for 3 plus hours a day for 90 days to get the cosmetics?


It never should have been arbitrarily changed from a non-exploit for 11 years into an exploit now. Also, you are insanely rude.

I also agree at the end of the day this is Blizzard’s fault. If the rewards weren’t so overtuned, news of the froggers would be a lot less annoying and maybe they would only gain a lead of a day or two instead of weeks or months.

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I really do hope the community is smart enough to get past their blind anger and start absolutely blasting Blizzard for this mess.

I’m not insanely rude. I am incredibly rude. Glad you do agree to exploit early and often though.

At least we’re making progress.

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This is how I was looking at it. If the upgrade costs weren’t so absurd coupled with the scaling issues and all the other stuff, the froggers would have been alot less noticeable….for a little while at least. Who knows if they would have done anything about it or not if the mode functioned better.


You guys should join a support group. All this angst cant be healthy for you. :frog:

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A lot of them probably have 16 hours a day to spend farming bronze 5k/hour , 2-3 hours a day for 3 months is AN EXTREME time investment for most people.


Yeah, without the frog farming power imbalance Blizzard probably would have been able to ignore the issues for weeks instead of only days.

And all the power to them to do that! They pay to do that. Millions of other people pay to play how they desire :dracthyr_uwu:

I had a level 70 tank in a heroic I was healing at level 20. Kept pulling too much and dying without being able to react.

It got to a point I told them to just let me pull and tank it because I’m level 20 and it’s easier for me to keep myself alive than them. As a priest lol.

I didn’t farm frogs but have the max cloak from questing achieves.

I feel a bit dishearten that I was aiming for achievements and now if I want those rewards I need to COMPLETE them again since I didn’t farm frogs, and don’t get the rewards retroactively.

I feel like just awarding the rewards to people again retroactively won’t make a difference considering the levels of gear we’re seeing. Tanks with 8m hp? While I’m out here with only 1.5m.

Or better yet just heavily nerf the upgrade costs to gear so we can get to that OP state the farmers were at.

As I’ve been levelling my gear, the disparity isn’t coming from the cloak but more so the sheer stats on gear. 2k str on my weapon is wild. I don’t even recall the stamina but it’s more than my cloak.