Frog farmers, gate abusers... all stem from the same problem

The rate of acquisition for threads and bronze is heavily undertuned. The reason people did frogs was to get insanely powerful. You nerfed all the farms and now an insanely huge gap in player power was evident across the board. You knew exactly who frog farmed based on their dmg and hp.

So you nerf all these farms and do what? Add a miniscule buff to bronze boxes (25%) and add a couple extra ways of gettikg threads. Still not enough for people that didnt frog farm to reach those that did.

Ngl, i also felt discouraged from all this. Im a level 70, getting beat by level 15s in damage. I cant even take a hit from mobs in scenarios while these lower levels are actually one shotting everything… scaling is an absolute joke.

Out of all this, i did feel kinda useless. Cant beat frog farmers, and i cant beat people with lower levels in damage either. Joined a farm group without realizing what was going on. Got locked out then just stopped after that. I hope that doesnt warrant a ban when i did stop after a lockout…

Bronze acquisition needs to be massively buffed. At 90 days, itd require you to be making 18k bronze a day just to buy everything. New stuff that they added for remix, alone still cost nearly 400k bronze. An average player will not do nearly enough to get a quarter of the bronze required… if you were just doing 4 lfrs a day, ~1600 bronze a day, itd still take you over 900 days of doing that to have enough…


Frothing Frog Farmer haters refuse to see that frog farming was not the issue. The issue is that Blizzard removed frogs, the only “time respecting” method to get Bronze, without actually fixing the Broze acquisition rates.


I dont hate them… they didnt have to nerf the farms in the first place. It was a gamemode where you could get infinitely strong. Maybe a bit salty that i didnt have the time to join in before a nerf? Sure. Well i couldnt even get invited to any groups cuz my class did nothing for farming


Not really. for me at least.
I get bronze in a manner and rate i find okay just doing quests, completing achievements, killing random things, and flying thru orbs. I have yet to buy anything aside from some gear upgrades now and then.
I have no deep need to have all the bronze right now.


bro you have until august what are you on about?


I am not saying that you hate them, I am talking about the more general behavior people currently have towards them. The behavior from people right now towards anyone that ever looked at a frog is just unacceptable.

They are blinded by rage, or maybe jealousy, and just lashing out and being horrible towards anyone that participated in a farm that it was reasonable to think was fine to do(because it was fine to do).

They need to stop trying to get players who frog farmed punished and instead redirect that towards attacking Blizzard for the absolutely tragic state this mode is in.


These people saying “you have 90 days left to get Bronze” fail to understand just how much you have to actually play at current rates if you want to get everything.


In other words; exploit early, exploit often.

Which if we’re all just trying to keep it real, is perfectly fine. Especially when Blizzard makes it clear you don’t really get punished for it.

Just expect those who do get punished by not exploiting early and often to be on your butt lol. You ain’t a victim lol.

EDIT: Actually you are a victim. A victim of circumstance.


It was not an exploit, it does not matter if they retroactively call it a bug, it has been in the game for 10+ years.

You all are just proving my point, pure blind ignorance and rage towards frog farming when the real issue is Blizzards tuning of this mode.


Definitely agree, I pictured this being a meme event like Plunderstorm. Do the renown grind for rewards which wasn’t bad and then just play for fun.

This should have been log in when you are done doing your weekly content on retail/SoD/cataclysm to just have fun. Not a sweatfest grind that caused people to look for hyperspawning options.


I mean, you already have groups requiring you to have been a frog farmer. Its not wrong that people have that attitude towards them. No one else will ever come to the same power levels as those that did. Maybe by the time the event ends, but those that did frog farm, would have either gotten what they wanted and quit, or still be so far ahead given their head start.


This 100%, I wish people would just take the small amount of time it takes to figure out your Bronze per hour rates and then calculate how much they would have to play to get everything.

Once you do it, you realise just how messed up this event is, just how disrespectful to your time it really is.


In reality Blizzard is the one who dictates what is and isn’t an exploit at any moment in time.

We’re completely at their mercy half the time. Leave it in for 11 years but it’s not an exploit? Well today it is. Redirect the hate to them, they kinda do deserve a fair bit of it for multiple reasons on this mode not just frogs.

I spent 17 minutes killing Wisemaster Mari on Heric yesterday through his 100% damage reduction shield because the fight bugged and he wouldn’t spawn the elementals and even dying and resetting did nothing. We gamed it through but we shouldn’t have had to.


I think that the problem is that humans, gamers it seems moreso, tend to be sociopathic by nature.

“If fighting is sure to result in victory, then one must fight!”
Sun Tsu said that!

I feel that it is human nature to take advantage of situations that benefit them, wether individually or as a group.

This is just my speculation. Iʻm no Psychologist with a doctorate on human behavior.

There is no reason to be getting mad over being gatekept from content that would not even exist yet without frog farmers existing, they are the only reason it even exists this soon.

The problem is Blizzard not giving other players the ability to get up to that content clearing power level in a reasonable amount of time.

All im saying is u cant blame players from feeling a certain way towards them. Theyre staring at gods, unable to achieve what they have.


Exactly, people need to realise that for 11 years it was not an exploit, and now it is.

You should not treat peolpe retroactively as an exploiter just because Blizzard changed their stance on something, if they were to find a way to farm frogs for charms again though then you SHOULD treat them as exploiters going forward.

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No, but you can blame them for being Blinded by their own feelings and not realising that they are going after the wrong people. Blizzard is the target of your anger, not the frog farmers.

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Both can be true.

Blizzard sucks for letting an exploit exist for years.

Froggers deserve /spit for exploiting, then acting like they are victims in all this when their existence encourages gatekeeping, both by themselves and by the non-froggers who need them.

All that really matters is, exploit early and often.

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Does that not mean that anyone who has ever farmed frogs for charms in the past 11 years deserves a /spit?

Also, since we are being so pedantic about rules… would not /spitting on them be some sort of harrassment and worthy of account action?

Set the new plan in motion, Ban all frog farmers for “exploiting” and all frog farming haters for “harrassment”. All that will be left is the pure, uncorrupted, genuine Bronze farming, Panda loving gamers.