Friends list bugged - people playing a different version of the game

The vast majority of my friends who are also online after the maintenance I cannot invite to group. There’s a couple I can. When I hover over it, it says “this friend is playing a different version of World of Warcraft.”

I already closed the game and ran the check for updates.

Running scan and repair tool now, as well.

OK, above has been done, and addons are all turned off due to the LFG tool being bugged and those Lua errors, and this issue remains. Please just go ahead and shut the servers back down and fix this, Blizzard. This is going to be a show stopper for a lot of people, especially given it is mythic dungeon week.


Same, my friend and I closed it all off and scan/repair tool, still not working :confused:

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Same is happening to me and my friends. Issue is present on their end, too.

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Confirmed with my raid leader - he can’t invite people. :upside_down_face:

I am having this same problem right now.

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same premade groups not working friends list broke as well

No friends list, same issue here.

I am also having this issue.

same issue would like a blue post, thanks.

Same here can’t group with my partner or her son!

Happening to my GF as well.

This is also happening with me and my BF as well, we are mid scan and repair before i stumbled across this post, i see it might be ineffective though… Hopefully blizzard can fix soon.

Has anyone tried the manual invite name-realm yet? that was next on my list to do

Only if you are same faction.

I am also having this issue. I have run the repair scan/tool, enabled mature language filter (a weird fix found for lfg), diabled all add ons then also did a reset/clear on cache, WTF, and Interface folders. I still have had no luck at all :frowning:

Yes manual invite failed to work for me. Same faction, on each others battlenet as friends. No dice.

well… blizzard… get on it LOL cuz this is obviously a major issue :frowning: hopefully they get to it soon thanks for the confirmation

happened to my BN friend as well

I am having the same issue, my son and I are unable to invite each other. We did both logged out of the game and battlenet and checked for updates and the issue still remains.

happening to me as well - tried scan & repair (twice), uninstalled wow classic in case it was causing some sort of conflict, and everything else mentioned on this thread

huge bummer

Having the same issue. Can’t invite friends to group.