Yup, same boat
Found a work around for my GF and I … created a mythic dungeon with a specific name, searched for it and applied. Currently in group together.
Blizzard CS said they were aware and were looking into it about 2 hours ago but no ETA on fix.
That only works if you are same faction. Same with manually typing in.
I have over 10 friends on bnet NOT in classic and same faction and they are all grayed out.
Same faction thing and same realm did NOT work for me. All BNET friends are unavailable. As well as guild and community AFAIK.
I am also having this issue would be nice to get an ETA on some kind of fix
Pretty wild that there’s no updates on this at all.
Where would updates be posted…
Bro use the premade group finder. Make a group title that only you and your friends will know and use that to join each other. It’s a workaround while this issue is ongoing. Good luck out there.
It is sadly still down my friend and I have even tried to restart our computers and nothing I hope blizz can fix this soon
Also happening to me and my husband. We’re on the same faction, same server, same guild, heck same ROOM, and we can’t even invite each other to a group, let alone anyone from our friend’s list. =(
Same problem happening here since pre patch update on
I’m seeing the same thing on my friend list as well.
I also cannot play with my boyfriend- which we have the same game, same version. We did the repair game and restarted everything. Literally we were playing together earlier, last night. Now after this new update today, it will not work.
What is the point of a MMO if I can’t play with my friends? Please, please fix this SOON.
I would like to also add that i cannot play with my friend anymore, because the servers have changed for one or both of our charchters suddenly after the maintence today May 7th,2024
UPDATE: I removed a friend from battlenet list, reinvited , they can invite me to a group, but I cant invite them lol.
Having this same problem.
Having the same issue; updates done, scan and repairs done… people are suggesting to turn on mature chat filter, remove BNET friends - all this nonsense leading to no resolution. Cmon Blizz.
Just adding in here that my husband and I are also having this problem