Friend's account comprimsed; blizzard refuses to help

I have posted a topic on this once before, but I’m coming here again. Some weeks ago, my friends account was compromised. They went through the standard procedure to get it returned to them, but after much back and forth, blizzard decided to give to the account to the person who stole the account, as they “proved” they are the accounts owner.

The fact that blizzard CS didn’t even bother to look at obvious IP logs or cc info that would clearly prove this new person isn’t the accounts owner is atrocious, really shows the quality of the CS team in general that they didn’t even perform basic checks like this.

Because I was asked the last time I brought this up, US98866808 is the ticket reference number. My friend is sickly and is unable to address this issue in a timely manner, and this entire thing is making their situation much, much worse on them. Is there any way I could act on my friends behalf in recovering their account, or some way for me to contact someone in CS who can actually help directly?

No blizzard will only deal with them the fact that the hacker got the account back is more concerning that means that have too much personal information about your friend then they should.


They likely did. That is one of the first things checked when doing a compromise investigation. With VPNs though that is not the only thing they check, of course.

Anyone can pay for an account.

The Account Holder is defined as the person who has their name on the account and can prove they are that legally named person.

I am sorry, but no. The only person who can ticket for an account is the account holder. Not friends, not family. Just the person registered on the account.

This here.

It takes a LOT of information to convince CS someone is the account holder. That person will need many things that are not commonly available. Secret question/answer, character names, servers, account creation dates, etc etc. IF it comes to it, they can even use Govt issued ID.


There has to be something I can do. I don’t want to get into specifics for personal reasons, but my friend is dealing with a lot of personal things that makes it very difficult, some days even outright impossible, for them to really handle this on their own.

I am sorry but no, there is not. The most you can do is encourage your friend to report it as compromised again. If an account is in dispute, sometimes they will lock it and won’t let anyone use it.


I had them put in another ticket, yeah. This whole situation is just incredibly stressful, and frankly I am worried about the toll having to deal with something like this is having on them. This is years worth of work stolen from them over something that wasn’t their fault, and CS has been anything but helpful

Well when he gets it back he needs a authenticator with that at least it will help future comprimises. 2nd I hate to say but the damage is already done if its a legit hacker the toons have been striped banks emptied and likely got the account banned.

The good news is if ur friend can convince blizzard the account is truly his this damage is reversable.


Yeah, I’ve already spoken with them about securing the account once they get it back. It’s just the getting it back part that’s difficult. I know CS is able to reverse most of the damage done, so that’s not even the concern. My friend just wants their account back so we can play together again.

Frankly, that should be the least of your, and your friend’s concern. As has already been mentioned, if someone was able to convince Blizzard that the account belongs to them, they have every last bit of your friend’s personal information. Maybe not SSN, since that’s not required to create an account, but given the level of compromise required for them to get as much information as they have, they probably got that as well.

This is a game. In the grand scheme of things, it’s meaningless. What your friend is almost certainly exposed to is massive identity fraud.


Yes, that is a massive concern, one I’m working with them to get to the bottom of. But that’s also not something that is to be dealt with here.

If they did not change their email that would be how they came back.

If you do not do enough to stop them they come back again and again

The issue isn’t that they came back. The issue is that CS’s response was to say the account thief proved they own the account and gave it to them instead of back to my friend.

Then the account thiefs have way too much information

That has already been established, yes


Credit card information isn’t a completely foolproof indicator of the primary account user, though it is helpful.

I seem to recall a couple of ‘bad break-up’ threads in there, where the account was weaponised.

I wish your friend luck.


If the other has that much information then, in Blizzard’s eyes, it’s their account. They have the proof.

So it looks like your friend is trying to take it. It’s an incredibly complicated issue and probably won’t end in your friends favor.

There isn’t anything you can do unfortunately.

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One question I haven’t seen asked, because it could be relevant. Did your friend originally create this account, or was it “acquired” ?


They created and are the only one who has ever used it, as far as I am aware. But I only know so many details behind it

That ticket is from a brand new account, which doesn’t appear to contain any information about another account. “I can no longer gain access” to an account that isn’t referenced isn’t going to be a lot of help. In fact, looking at the IP that it was sent from and the other accounts associated with that email, I’m not seeing any other accounts that recently have been logged in that have been reported as compromised.

We would need an email address, in the ticket, that was on the account previously.

That isn’t really a fact, Chijiu, since you don’t have an insight into our processes.

The fact is, we do look at IP logs, and billing information on an account can be a factor. The other fact is, an IP address isn’t verification of ownership, nor is verification that someone may have paid for the account. Payment does not equate to ownership. What does, is… Is your friend’s name on the account? Can they verify that it is them? Is the other person that we allegedly gave access to the account the name that is on it?

Those are the questions that need to be answered and truly, the only thing that matters.

Simply put, Chijiu, no. Unless you are serving as a legal proxy for them, which can be verified, we would not be able to speak with you regarding an account that is not yours.

I am sorry that your friend is not doing well and that this surely doesn’t help, but we can only go off of the information we have. If this other party was able to sufficiently verify ownership of the account and your friend could not, there isn’t a lot we can do.

That said, do you have a ticket ID from your friend that we have answered that might have more information in it? A brand new ticket that doesn’t reference the account involved doesn’t give me much to look into.


Unfortunately they aren’t around, nor do I know when they will be available again to ask them for a different ticket confirmation number. I can provide the email and the account that it was attached to, but I don’t have anything else beyond that.

I should have a ticket on my account still pending that has what relevant information I do have, which I believe you are able to check