Banned for 18 months for “unauthorized account access” “use a different game account to take part in exploitive play”. Can swear under my family’s name that I’ve never logged on anyone else’s acc or let any1 else loggin on my account. Appeal ticket is resolved in 3:30am EST with bot responding that didn’t even get the penalty time/reasoning right and the respond literally said nothing.
Guess you are not allowed to q arena while travelling even though travel information/flight ticket receipts are provided huh. Nice work blizzard, I’m out I guess.
7/28 update:
The second ticket get replied by another game master and he said that he has to send this up to the hacks team for another check. Its gonna take 4-7 days which means that it will probably end my r1 push but at least I have a chance to get my account back. Thanks for the advices.
7/30 update:
Unbanned FeelsGoodMan
Thanks everyone for the advices and support
you pushed 400 points in the past 2 weeks from 2500 to 2900you pushed 217 points with a 16-3 winrate in your last queue session before being banned.
if you have been queueing out of state/country, and somehow just now pushed 400 points that is sus.
ngl, blizzard probably thought you were being piloted. you should try another appeal though if it’s possible
edit: drustvar didn’t have his alt exp for me for some reason. op has been 3250, not likely that he needs to buy a pilot to 2900
Yea that does appear a bit sus
are we ignoring the fact he has gotten every gladiator since bfa s4?/been 3100+ on a few classes with 2700+ on almost everything else
I’m curious to see how this develops.
ive queued into this op on his ret/enh quite a bit around the end of the seas - pretty standard team given the MMR and it never really came off as a boost or anything like that
a pilot also probably wouldn’t be queueing a small amount of games per night below r1 cutoff
maybe the 16-3 post-scuba to 2700 + an IP change is what created suspicion, not surprised at all if a robot is what cast the ban along with what’s practically ignoring you
yeah that’s true. and he pushed almost 3k last season already.
still, pushing a ton of mmr/rating in a short span at an IP address that you don’t normally play it is sus. the system should be auto flagging and an investigation should be taking place.
idk if 18 month bans are automated.
Yeah, it seems like something like that would at least get you flagged for review.
you 1st log on to your blizz account on the website THEN you log into game
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To clarify things, I’ve been maining shaman since season 12 and have been a multi R1 shaman/druid on chinese/Asian server. I only started playing in NA server since BFA S4.
Though rating/xp might say otherwise I’m a much better shaman than I’m on ret and many fellow chinese players can clarify on that as well (Kzfox and Zhangbeihai, for example). I dont really have XP/Cr on my sham before only because I didn’t really get a chance to play it, since there’s no chinese warriors available for turbo ATM.
The 16-3 record is basically the only time I’ve played shaman seriously after getting 2.4 for conduits and it’s also the only time I queued with my priest teammate.
Also, I got the XP on shaman on bfa/SL S1; didn’t really play shaman last ssn.
fair play mate. did you try to submit another appeal?
I did, haven’t seen a response yet. Did blizzard cancel web live chat? Can’t find any real person to talk to and the BlizzardCS guy on twitter is just ignoring me after saying “we can’t handle appeals on twitter”.
18 months is STEEP im sorry man that really sucks hope it gets appealed
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Live chat will give you the same answer as Twitter did. Blizzard isn’t gonna argue with you about your suspension.
Fun fact: The server registers what keybinds are used to activate abilities. If your MAC address and hardware IDs change but keybinds dont, yol be fine. If hardware IDs change and all the keybinds change instantly? Enjoy your ban. Because it was probably because someone else played your character.
he earned sinful R1 without sitting as the only priest turbo as well
though he was also DQd from that title for some reason
he’s a good player that afaik isn’t doing anything suspicious at all and he multiclasses at pretty high mmr every season
curious what blizzards reasoning for both this ban and the sinful DQ are
the only way i’ve been able to get livechat in recent years has been to go into ‘problem with account’ ‘cant log in’ or ‘hacked’
Unfortunately, just like a lot of big business, one particular customer doesn’t really seem to matter to Blizzard.
The only time companies in these types of circumstances start to care is when some sort of issue/scenario is exposed / going viral that gives bad press. THEN it starts to matter.
Sorry to hear about your plight good sir and I hope it works out for you.
I’m even bringing my laptop/keyboard/mouses with me to play during the trip so…
Really don’t have much idea what’s going on.
I played on the move quite a bit the last few months and didnt have any issues so idk. Sucks to hear sorry man