“Value is invalid” is the error every time they complete the captcha. Tried different browsers, tried using phone disconnected from wifi, tried desktop, tried from my place and theirs. Nothing works. Google finds tons of people experiencing this problem going back many months. Why is this?
It’s better than it was, but some are still running into this, yes.
If you could ask them to take a screenshot showing the error - and attach that to a ticket, that would be helpful.
For them to make a ticket, or for me to make it since they don’t have an account? It’s a different error # every time we’ve tried. Just value is invalid, and if we try to create an account on desktop it makes us solve 15-20 captchas, then errors out anyways.
For this purpose, you could send it in - but they also can submit a ticket, even without an account.
Blizzard Support - Battle.net support
This is more for information gathering, they’ve been collecting those to try to pinpoint the issues.
So there isn’t a fix to even get them an account created at this time? Like what. This apparently has been ongoing for over a year, via google answers
Even my attempt to create the ticket from the link isn’t working. It sits and spins when I hit submit.
Check to see if your browser has blocks on.
Anytime you see a sitting and spinning cursor, the first suspect is usually ad-blockers, or settings in a browser.
Perhaps try incognito.
On top of incognito, clear cache + cookies, and can you let us know what browsers you’ve tried?
I got the ticket made after retrying with refreshing, nothing else. Account still cannot be created, and the person that replied to the ticket just gave me the suggestions from the support article I already tried.
Chrome, Edge, Brave, Firefox, tried in regular, and incognito/safe browsing. Tried from 2 IP addresses, tried from 3 different devices. 2 desktops, and a phone.
Make sure you also allow any pop ups as that could be what’s blocking you
Try another network.
No to both of those. In my post I explained different IP addresses (Networks), different devices, different browsers, it’s not popups. It’s literally just giving me an error.
Not something to do lightly, but have them turn off any security software and try to create the battlenet account.
…Technically also done, by using a phone and two different PCs. Nothing to do with our end, it’s clearly something on Blizzards. If something isn’t working between technically 3 different IPs (including 1 cell service), basically every browser and different devices… Something is up.
I’m not necessarily saying it’s not on Blizzard’s end, but common sense says that if it was, you wouldn’t be the only person here looking for help with it.
To clarify, different IP addresses don’t necessarily denote different networks, but I’ll assume that as you’d later mentioned you’d tried your phone that you tried a different ISP, rather than routing your network connection through your phone, or your phone through your network.
Anyway, good luck. Sounds like a bit of a mystery.
It was a different network, not even in the same house but from the same area.
Yeah, tried using the cell network. Had to only solve 1 captcha the first time using that, but still - ‘value is invalid’ only humans are allowed to create battle.net accounts.
(I guess Blizzard doesn’t like Pandas?)
Sounds good. Memory blanked on that part, sorry.
Given the multiple devices attempted, it seems unlikely, but still worth asking… you’re not behind a VPN, are you?
Nope, no VPN. It’s just very strange because I was able to create my own account fine quite some time ago. I sure don’t remember having to try to solve 15-20 captchas of ‘add up the dice to match the number’ when I created mine either.
any chance this could be the culprit?