Friday night, 20 players online

I see a lot of players in both Oribos and Korthia. /who hasnt worked in a long time.

Could be wrong, but I am pretty sure the /who only shows people on your shard.

I’m in the Maw now (at this stage) on my warrior. I really got into it once I picked up the NF ability. Just that little bit of magic (and I’d be lying if i said it didn’t look amazing) has me more interested in my warrior than I have been in a while. It’s just hard to get into a full physical class with all the magic in this world, lol. But I am in the Maw to get through the story (again).

/who has been broken since they added CRZ. It broke further with sharding on high pop servers.

However I don’t actually understand why people would hangout in Oribos or Ogrimmar on a Friday night.

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Fly around in a circle on the upper level on my Druid. Then go to To the new zone and play the game.

Aye, your point is well taken, too. There’s often a discrepancy between the game and GD descriptions!

Every now and then, to all our horror, they match.

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3 of my guildies show up when 15 are online

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Lots of people on Proudmoore.

I don’t care which other server has plenty of people.

I already paid $75 to move to a greener pasture.

Now it’s brown too.

I will never pay to move servers again. It’s a “service” for a problem of their own making. It’s like paying an attacker for the privilege of a bloody nose.

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Yeah, I’m the same way. Can’t see guildies online with /who, too, when I see them in the roster.

A few folks on here have mentioned that it’s due to layering/sharding that will pull players to other servers.

It was just a Teenage Wasteland, behind an Eminence Front. Just getting played like a squeeze box. (Sigh) No one knows what it’s like to be the sad man…

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probably in the new zone or raid or dungeon.

Ever since sharding started, I have not used in game presence to determine population. They move people around. They even adjusted what makes a full server. So there is no way to really tell, unless they came straight out with the numbers.

/who only works for those in your shard. It’s been broken in that way for some time now.

Also, Emerald Dream is VERY split on Warmode vs Non-Warmode, so it’s going to make it look less active automatically because of that split.

It’s been really dead everywhere I’ve seen.

This feels really bad.

Not sure what you mean, my server is absolutely FULL! … of Alliance players.

ROFL. There are more people running around him than come up on the list. Everyone knows /who has been broken for awhile.

/who is kind of broken now. I can’t even /who people I clearly see right in front of me half of the time. On the same server

You know 48 is the cap it shows…I think

My server and faction side is hopping! I ran into the usual RP gatherings too as I was questing.