Friday night, 20 players online

Mal’Ganis was poppin last night. I had 6 minute dps heroic queues and I’d say around 20 guildmates online. I also had plenty of help from randoms on my world quests.

WRA is way quieter than it was in BFA, and that’s saying something considering the state of BFA. That being said, it’s far from dead and the RP scene is much more resilient to garbage changes than PvP/PvE (even though this newest story and the new areas… uh… don’t help RP much).

I see the difference, but don’t care. Gonna play old content till I’m bored and check out New World, since I long since milked FFXIV during the WoD content drought.

/who can return a result of 50 players.

There’s this common misconception that Blizzard broke the /who command. Blizzard made the automatic SendWho() a protected function. Addons can still use hardware input (left and right mouse clicks) to send ManualWho() requests. Players can still search accurately with /who commands.

When /who returns a 50 player result, you can search with additional parameters, E.g:
/who r- “Undead” c- “Warlock” n-y 60-60

I guess I’m spoiled with Wyrmrest Accord. Always super crowded.

breathe in that copium nice and deep now

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Emerald Dream is a dead realm. That’s why nobody is there.

The world is pretty much always full and vibrant.

It’s a ghost town ( :>).

WoW is the deadest I have ever seen it and that includes WoD at its worst. Sl 9.0 was the worst version of WoW for non-raiders in Wow history and that really killed things.


Damn :confused: this hurts