Friday night, 20 players online

Nah Friday night is beer Night

gets out the hammock for a beer

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I can tell a difference on weekends with a drop. I always assume people are out doing things as its summer time and most raid teams are midweek or non weekends only.

Drops harder than a bass roll in a rock song.

Yup Alliance Tichondrius is dead too. :frowning:

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Oh cmon now…

That’s a nice picture you paint…

It doesn’t matter at what stage of an expansion we are at, hubs are usually packed with idles… the folks going TO and coming FROM those activities… taking a break… repair… shop… etc.

Heh. I think it’s cuter that folks want to pretend it’s due to all the play activity out in the wilds and not a lesser overall number of folks logging in regularly…

Of course servers ARE different. On any of the servers I’ve played, fewer idlers means fewer players overall. Always has.


The five stages of grief are:

  • denial
  • anger
  • bargaining
  • depression
  • [acceptance]

I’m on 3 right now when it comes to my beloved hobby Wow, others in here 1 or 2?

I guess it will live on in classic versions.


Yet here you are posting on the forums of a game you obviously don’t like.

It’s just the strangest behavior to me.

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You aren’t wrong.

I never went through the denial phase… unless you count the times I yelled out loud to nobody, “They can’t possibly mean for it to be like this, can they?”

I also knew better than to bargain. That doesn’t happen with WoW.

I got pissed. I got sad. I downloaded another game, erm, accepted.


Covenant assault maybe? Or farming Stygia for alt-gear?

lots of people on my server at 8 cst so /shrug

A52, it’s more active than it was 2.5 weeks ago, but not by a whole lot.

Could be worse. This is what the Lightninghoof, Ravenholdt, Twisting Nether, Maelstrom, The Venture Co cluster looks like at 8:00 A.M. on a Saturday:

5 servers, 83 total characters online. Both factions combined.


I can tell you with certainty that WoW subs are <1,000,000 and have been since shortly after the release of SL, and this includes those brought back by BCC. 9.1 did not have the drawing power Blizzard hoped and people are worried.

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You can’t, because it’s not true. The DBM update from a week ago just for Shadowlands has 1 million downloads. Not everyone uses DBM; not everyone even uses addons. Chinese players also get their addons from their own sites.


wow… this is another level of reach. congrats.

Nice objective argument supported by data…and not based on a faulty /who search

I like having Korthia and the maw all to myself… Makes getting daily chores done super fast. #lowpoplife

okay, all I’m saying is, when i read this thread last night i was in game. i did a /who oribos and got 20 or 25. i did a /who in korthia (where i was) and got 50+

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/who has been broken for a while, it doesn’t show every player. Hell sometimes it shows no players when it’s obvious there are players around. No idea how it got broke, or when it will be fixed, but I wouldn’t rely on the numbers show by it.