Freshscales Fifteen REMOVED from Pathfinder

What is freshscales fifteen? Does it have something to do with dragons?

Well, that’s unexpected. Will all of the rest of us who were expecting renown for pathfinder for the last year - and worked on it - get a consolation prize?

I would think disabled players would have the most renown after a year because they’d mostly be working on the campaigns instead of high level raids or m+.

I kind disagree, its a reward that you work for, like a mount. Should they just give you free mounts when they drop a patch?

Not really.

They take something from you (normal flight), give you a “better”version, but then make you do chores to get the “inferior” thing they took away, that you preferred anyway.

Some reward.


And we have a winner!

If PF were required for both flight methods from day one, this would be a non issue.


So you got dragonriding for no effort at all, and the old riding is busted / the new riding is all so superior.

Then how is getting old riding a reward?

I haven’t played this expansion due to dynamic flight and I will not purchase the next 3 expansions if they are going to only allow dynamic flight users to fly for most of the expansion.

I WILL NOT play WoW if I have to use dynamic flight, ever.

It’s having something you don’t currently have in exchange for some investment. That’s the definition of “reward”.

No many of us just quit because it was too frustrating to have to walk while you all got to fly, even if it is the clearly inferior ram racing in the sky form of flying.

I actually prefer walking and riding to flying and wish I’d run into more people on the roads. Game was more fun when it was that way.

I have had flying since Burning crusade. And I won’t do pathfinders or anything else in DI expansion. It is now dead to me. I will spend the reminder of my time in the game playing alts through WoD and SL rather than set foot on the Dragon Isles.

And I will not be buying any future expansions if I am going to be discriminated against because I can’t use your shiney toy.

I don’t mind walking as much when everyone has to do it. But the Dragon Isles were specifically designed to make dynamic flight shine and be as painful as possible for non-flyers. I walked all over it, well the parts I could find a path to reach. I hate it with a passion.

Never again.

Your idea of a reward is concerning.

Congratulations! You have essentially completed the expansion! Your reward is: A crummier version of something you already have! ENJOY!