Fresh Servers Pointless Unless

I used to think “Fresh” Classic Servers were “pointless”, until I actually had a conversation with a pro “Fresh” Classic Server individual. They made an excellent point, that the ONLY way to re-play Phases is for “Fresh” Classic Servers. IDC to plow through the Phases over and over, again. I, only, care to replay Old World pre-Deathwing Destruction. So, a Stagnant Classic Server, doesn’t bother me, too much.

My only issue with “Fresh” Classic Servers is I don’t want their progress saved onto the Stagnant Classic Servers. You want “Fresh” Classic Servers and recycle, over and over, again? Then actually RESTART. If you want any saved progress, then you play on the Stagnant Classic Servers. “Fresh” Classic Servers should be exactly that with no ability to save such progresses.

That should be reserved for the Stagnant Classic Servers, and the Stagnant Classic Servers, only. In regards to “Fresh” BC Servers, I don’t mind that option because (to me) they’re two different games. I feel that they should be treated as such. Otherwise, I’ll just quote my other suggestion (when it comes to the handling of BC Servers):