Fresh Servers Pointless Unless

We can have access to the new races, which is why like 90% of the playerbase would re-roll. I’m not re-rolling bc some want a new economy, which will be just as bad in 3 months as any is now.

I’m also not abandoning my current 60’s and anyone who think Blizz is gonna port everyone’s toons to new servers needs their head examined.

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Everyone is most likely going to have 3 choices…

  1. Progress to TBC;
  2. Transfer to a Classic Forever server and stay 60 with all your gear; or
  3. Reroll on a Fresh Classic server and start over.

so basiccaly:

1-be a normal person that enjoys playing wow golden era and go through its CLASSIC progression

2- be a delusional wierdo that for some reason thinks that a permanent 60 server and the very small minority of players that will be on it justify the maintenance cost for blizzard, AND EVEN IF BLIZZARD SOMEHOW (highhly doubtfull ebcause everyone knows how activision/blizzard is about money) makes it happen , that it wont DIE EXTREMELY FAST (less then a month if i would have to bet) jsut like EVERY PRIVATE SERVER AT p6 DID OVER THE LAST DECADE, for obvious reasons…(no content, no point to raid, no point to rank, no point to grind mats, no point to do anything else)…and soon enough there wont be enough players to raid or queue or do anything other then standing in orgrimar looking at your full naxxed gear toon that you geared a year ago…

3- Or, be a TRUE classic fan like the private server guys and start the grind and classic experience fresh from zero because THAT is what classic wow is about…the p1-p6 progression…AND NOT about a eternal p6…

Wont mention the 4th option of people that want classic + beause those are beyond delusional if you think blizzard would ever spend a penny on that knowing the Giant success that TBC will be just liek classic was

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put a shirt on

I think there are enough people that want this to support at least one Classic Forever server (maybe more). And it would be a server full of like-minded delusional wierdos, and they would form a delusional wierdo community. They would keep leveling alts and running through the content and try to max-gear multiple characters.

And after each fresh server completes Phase 6, they could dump all of those characters onto the Classic Forever server(s), and start some new fresh ones.

I’m moving on to TBC, but it will be interesting to see how the vanilla servers are handled and how they play out.


Reset everything and give us pre-made level 58s.

Best choice imo

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I suspect this is an overestimate.

No, why should i need to restart and lose all the progress I’ve made on my mage.


I used to think “Fresh” Classic Servers were “pointless”, until I actually had a conversation with a pro “Fresh” Classic Server individual. They made an excellent point, that the ONLY way to re-play Phases is for “Fresh” Classic Servers. IDC to plow through the Phases over and over, again. I, only, care to replay Old World pre-Deathwing Destruction. So, a Stagnant Classic Server, doesn’t bother me, too much.

My only issue with “Fresh” Classic Servers is I don’t want their progress saved onto the Stagnant Classic Servers. You want “Fresh” Classic Servers and recycle, over and over, again? Then actually RESTART. If you want any saved progress, then you play on the Stagnant Classic Servers. “Fresh” Classic Servers should be exactly that with no ability to save such progresses.

That should be reserved for the Stagnant Classic Servers, and the Stagnant Classic Servers, only. In regards to “Fresh” BC Servers, I don’t mind that option because (to me) they’re two different games. I feel that they should be treated as such. Otherwise, I’ll just quote my other suggestion (when it comes to the handling of BC Servers):

Why does it bother you so much that some people would want to stay on a P6 Classic server? To the point of name calling?

If options 1 (progress to TBC) and 3 (start Classic fresh) exist then why do you care at all?

You’ve posted in multiple topics about it.

My plan without knowing the options is to progress my main characters to TBC and keep playing with my guild. So, I’m not even in category #2, but for those who want to their characters to stay on a Classic server I see no issue with it. It harms no one.


Because it was in Classic.

Tbc is a different game.

No, TBC is an expansion. Classic is WoW and TBC is WoW, TBC isn’t WoW 2.
All TBC is and every expansion will ever be is a big content drop that continues the game, why should TBC classic be any different?

I think the reason people want this to happen is because of people that didn’t have the time or didn’t want to put the time in, be on a level playing field with everyone else heading into TBC. This is inherently unfaithful to any MMO, MMO’s aren’t meant to be fair, there’s supposed to be people ahead of you and people behind you in progress.

If the reason is so that gold is reset then it’d just become an issue a month later

If Blizzard just makes it so i can’t play my mage, the mage I’ve levelled and played on each day since classic released, then tells me to “start fresh” it’s the biggest punch in the gut they can do. I’ll never play classic once TBC releases, what’s the point? I’ve done everything I could. Beat all the raids, got the gear i wanted, hit the PvP rank i wanted, why would i go back?

Yes, yes i would play that 58 mage in TBC if that was the way they transitioned, i want to experience TBC and i think going into TBC as a level 58 with everyone is an unfaithful experience.

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I think you bring up a lot of good points. Ultimately it will just come down to how blizzard views the classic platforms. Do they keep them progressive or separate? Who knows. I’m thinking that they will allow ppl to progress in some way. Hopefully faction change implemented :grin:

Why would you type out a rant for what you think the people who choose a choice are like.

You sir are the

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Because some folks don’t want to play BC, and would like to keep their characters static is “delusional” and they are “wierdos”.
Please, there isn’t really any need to label people who play differently negatively. Thanks.

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