Fresh server

You’re right. If fresh TBC servers become a reality, a lot of casual players are going to be faced with a harsh reality. Fresh servers attract some of the most meta, min/max, AH manipulating, speed clearing hardcore players out there. And then other hardcore players see a chance for competition and join in too. It’s a wave.

The main difference being, it began at point 1 rather than point 60 or whatever. So phase 1 and 2 will be a different experience but by phase 3 and 4, you’ve become a lot more like every other server. But that’s okay, it’s a community that shaped itself from nothing rather than carried over from 2 years of pre-existing. There will always be that feeling of difference throughout its TBC life and that’s a big draw-card for many, including me.

weird and abstract? It’s so simple. plain as day

we want a fresh tbc launch experience.

We don’t want boosts on our server
We don’t want players running around with gold cap at launch
We don’t want players running around with full BiS at launch
We want the struggle! we love TBC and we want the healthiest launch possible.

Progression servers are not going to be as healthy as a fresh server
As we speak right now gold is being farmed. items hoarded on a unprecedented level. tbc is ruined and it hasn’t even started yet.


Care to talk more about this?

Until there is a fresh server, yes. got a problem with that?

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I wasn’t against BC being “fresh”, either BTW. When it launches just have it be “fresh” without the Boost, ofc. Let’s be realistic here, “fresh” wasn’t going to stop Layering, MBing, Bots, etc. I just wanted a “fresh” BC completely separate from Classic. That’s me, though.

At level 1, right? And not 60?

I don’t agree with the Level 58 Boost, either. See, there are players who want to take their Classic 60s into BC, just like it happened, when it first launched, instead of starting over. I wouldn’t have minded 60s coming over, if you played in Classic, since you played in Classic. I just don’t agree with the Level 58 Boost because it wasn’t played in Classic.

Gold Cap or not, the original BC Game had players bring their progressed characters over into BC. So, what you’re asking for is a “fresh” and a “disable”. Two different things, and I’m telling you that they’re two different things. So, instead of being aggressive towards me, retract your claws and understand and be like “OK, well, yes, I want ‘fresh’, along with disabling the Level 58 boost”. That’s it. Not complicated :slightly_smiling_face:

I understand that you don’t want that, but it’s not EVERYONE. Plus, in the original BC, that’s how Players came into BC, but I get it, you want “fresh” all the way.

It’s VERY subjective in what people mean, when they say “healthy”.

Again, subjective.

Subjective, and players have ALWAYS “prepared” for every new expansion. This isn’t some new concept but OK :slightly_smiling_face:

Are you going to answer my question:

Care to talk more about this?

yes thats the idea

its different when players know exactly what materials are good and what materials are bad and the meta before the expansion is released. gold yes, everybody farms gold all the time.

Just making sure. 'Cause I’ve heard “fresh” but start at level 58! Again, so many have their own interpretation in what “fresh” is :slightly_smiling_face:

i think most of the fresh start 58 server idea is desperation to appease the boosters

I suppose so but see, all of the reasons for “fresh” is just so confusing! You got some (not all) that want X. You got some (not all) that want Y. You got some (not all) that want Z. How can we come together to make “fresh” happen, that will appease us all?

EDIT: My opinion (and my opinion only) is for a “fresh” BC not because I want to wipe away everyone’s gold. I just want to separate all of the Games, as they come because (to me) they’re just different games.

EDIT 2: And, on top of my request for a “fresh” is to disable the Level 58 Boost.

Fresh is just an excuse of mediocre people so they can play among the mediocre (that couldn’t cut in during classic).

And you’re just a sad troll thinking classic was hard

hes desperate for people to play with so he tries to hold people hostage from switching servers

I never said or thought classic was hard. But imagine those people struggling with classic… how can we actually call people that struggle with something… like you called yourself… “not hard” ?

The same can be said for everything that is world of warcraft. everyone wants different things

I think the idea of a fresh tbc server is pretty simple

We’re not talking about that, right now. The same can be said about life, in general, but we’re not talking about that.

I respect your opinion, but I don’t. Hence, my thread I created asking what it is with a lot of unanswered questions left still. I’ll accept if nobody wants to actually explain it/answer the questions I pose…just don’t be surprised if “fresh” doesn’t happen EXACTLY what you (not you, specifically, a general “you”) had hoped for :slightly_smiling_face:

What might some of your unanswered questions may be?
I strongly believe people are trying their best to break this down for you but I keep seeing the same post from you on other topics about how confused you are.

I don’t think we can make it any simpler for you with out busting out the crayons. :frowning_face:

The ones leftover in my “What is ‘Fresh’” thread:

I agree that they’re trying their best :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Likewise with the same lot screaming “FIGHT FOR FRESH!”, and it doesn’t help me fix my confusion, when the same words are just being repeated spread throughout different topics, and I’m trying my best to stick it with one topic via mine.

Sure you can! Just answer the questions! :slightly_smiling_face:

EDIT: Throughout these discussions, I added more questions :slightly_smiling_face:

I have an idea.

Blizzard: "OK, we will make 2 fresh serves. We will call them Pristine (Pve) and Primevil (PvP). You cannot transfer to or from these servers. They will continue for 6 months, at which time they will be completely wiped and be made once more available for new, fresh toons.

There ya go - fresh servers forever and ever.

I’d be more inclined with this, but some (not all) really want to save their progressed characters after “fresh” restarts LOL

Which is why I asked my Questions and even asked more, in my thread, but IK they won’t get answered :woman_shrugging:

So, I’m not going to be surprised, when those in favor for “fresh” get disappointed, when it doesn’t turn out what they hoped for :slightly_smiling_face: