FRESH is inevitable

The amount of people against a fresh option is really weird. It’s like they feel threatened by it somehow. Just because some of us want to stay in pre-TBC doesn’t somehow discredit your desire to move on.

For me personally either I play a fresh eternal Classic server, or I don’t play WoW at all. So an option keeps me around. I won’t be playing TBC either way. And fresh means getting to experience the joy of leveling with everyone starting at 1. If only one more time. And the players there will most likely be playing for the same reasons I am.

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Nope, that’s not true! See, this is why we need to differentiate players wanting NEW Servers, and players wanting Seasonal Servers.

Two VERY different things!

Also, I’m not against “fresh”. I just don’t think what some (not all) screaming on the forums thinks it means. There’s a desire for that “fresh” appeal, on top of wanting certain features disabled. Simply having a “fresh” server isn’t going to disable any features (like the Level 58 Boost, for example). That’s a completely different and separate request, in and of itself!

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Blizzard already said Classic eternal servers won’t have boosts.

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“people only want fresh because they want to get server first”

Anyone who claims this has never actually played a fresh server. “fresh” is about everyone starting from 0 again, not about getting “”""""“firsts”"""""""" in a 16 year old game.


It’s actually very true if you think about it for more than a second or two

A fresh server is going to get stale and old one day, therefore it would have to be reset… or it would just wither away and die.

Call it what you want, seasonal, Resets, fresh. Essentially it’s all the same. it’s going to happen or else you can kiss a bunch of loyal fans good bye to private servers.

IK this. I’m talking about those wanting “fresh” BC while also screaming for “no Level 58 Boosts”. The existence of a “fresh” server with the Level 58 Boost still in tact, is still in the realm of “fresh”. Calling for the disabling of the Level 58 Boost is a completely separate issue. Something, even those in favor for a Progressed BC (and not necessarily “fresh”) are (also) calling for the Level 58 Boost to be equally as disabled.

No, it’s not! I have been going around and talking with ANYONE in favor of “fresh”. There’s a DIFFERENCE between handing out NEW Servers that will NEVER be wiped BUT still are “fresh”, and Seasonal Servers (that are “fresh”, yes but continue reading) that reset and wipe the slate clean, over and over, again.

See, how the “fresh” concept just split?

According to you and people like you. There are some (not all) that want a “fresh” experience but do NOT want a “restart”.

I understand this, and my research shows that Blizz might (keyword) make their Perma Classic Servers “Connected Realms”. My deduction (in how I got there) is right here:
But, that’s another conversation to be had.

No, they’re not :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t disagree with you. Please stop screeching at me and actually address my points that you keep dodging. You asked me, in a different thread, what questions I have regarding “fresh”:

And I linked you my Thread with those Questions. You have yet to go there and reply and to clear up any misunderstandings:

Honestly, go for it. IMO, you’re not particularly the person I want representing the WoW Community, in general. Your attitude stinks. My opinion, ofc :slightly_smiling_face:

I agree a fresh TBC server is pointless if there’s boosts. But I figured this thread was about Classic fresh, not TBC fresh since this isn’t the TBC forum.

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easy guys. they said they will look at it after Launch. Just wait, why fight for things that are not released.

So, here’s the thing. I’m pro-fresh myself, but I’m not so gung-ho about it that I’d be willing to miss out on TBC Classic just because it’s not be released as fresh.

So, let’s pretend Blizzard actually does release fresh servers sometime in the middle of TBC Classic. Let’s say they release fresh server 6 months into TBC Classic, okay?

Speaking for myself, if I have a level 70 Druid rocking T4, flying around in Epic Flight Form, eagerly anticipating the release of Black Temple, what exactly is my incentive to drop all that and start all over again on a Fresh server?

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That is fair, but some (not all) like to intermingle BC talk in with the Classic specific Forum.

That being said, there is a difference between NEW Servers being implemented, that are “fresh”, and Seasonal Servers that constantly refresh.

I’m not even fighting. I’m just asking questions in “what is ‘fresh’” LOL

Exactly! IK we have a negative history with one another, but I hope one day, we can bury the hatchet :slightly_smiling_face:

That being said, I agree with your point :slightly_smiling_face:

You keep coming into these topics where people are commenting for what they think is great for the game, ripping apart their comments piece by piece trying to debunk everything they say with your anti fresh/seasonal/reset opinions.

Of course you think my attitude stinks, because I call you out on your nonsense and then you get all defensive.

We get it Piper, you hate classic servers and classic players, you’ve made your point. why don’t you do everyone a favor and go to the shadowlands forums?

In my opinion… I highly doubt they would release a fresh tbc server 6 months into the game.
The best time to launch one would be for the initial launch of tbc or once all content is cleared. kinda like how vanilla wow is right now.

That’s the point of the Forums…to see what players have to say and talk about it :thinking:

Because each part of everyone’s post is talking about something different. If you wish not to discuss that part about your post, you can simply ignore and move on (just like you’ve chosen to do by not actually answering the questions regarding “fresh”).

That’s funny because I’m not. I want the “fresh” community to SUCCEED. I’ve expressed this, NUMEROUSLY. In order to do that, we MUST agree on what “fresh” is. Which turns out, means TWO different things!

NEW Servers AND Seasonal!

That’s a beautiful projection. No, I think your attitude stinks because you totally missed the mark in what my intentions are.

When did I say this? What makes you think I hate Classic Servers and Classic Players? :thinking:

Because I don’t play Shadowlands and have nothing to offer to that part of WoW :woman_shrugging:

“loyal” fans that will just rage quit to go to private servers. as you have played on for 10+ plus. without paying a dime to blizz. “loyal” my rear.

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I actually typed out what I think are good answers for all your questions then deleted the post because quite honestly… I don’t want to get into it with you additionally, these questions realistically can only be definitively answered by blizzard.

We don’t have any control over those kind of specifics for their game.
But i’ll humor some of your questions with my own thoughts. Most of your questions can be answered with a little bit of common sense and a tiny bit of imagination.

For example;

  • How long should the duration last, for these servers, before they “fresh”, again?

-How about when all content is cleared? Kind of like how vanilla wow is right now. (553 days old)

  • Can you transfer a character from one “fresh” server to another “fresh” server?

-If the servers were created on the same date… sure, why not??

All we want is a fresh server for vanilla (Which is most likely going to happen)
and a fresh TBC server for launch (which is what allot of people are hoping will happen)

Seasonal servers will be something blizzard at one point in time will inevitably have to look into. I don’t think many people are going to want to play on a vanilla server that’s over 9000 days old

There’s no “getting into it”. I’ve actually concluded in what I view as “fresh”, already. I don’t stand with the NEW Servers movement. But, I do stand with the Seasonal Servers movement. I can definitely see Blizz doing Seasonal Servers, for sure. The NEW Servers movement? They might try and then just give up trying to recreate NEW Servers, over and over, again.

Which is (also) influenced by the player base. There are players out there that like the Level 58 Boost feature, for BC, and Blizz listened to those who wanted to jump straight into Outlands, when they pick up BC.

We do. Our wallets is what Blizz pays attention to. So, if there’s a lack of wallets contributing to Blizz, they’ll scramble to get those wallets back by listening to the feedback, of those wallets.

I was going to use my imagination and average out according to what other players want and give a base result.

I understand there’s a NEW Server movement that differs from the Seasonal Server movement. I don’t agree with the NEW Server movement. I do agree with the Seasonal Server movement. Which I do see Blizz doing Seasonal Servers, at some point. Just not right now.

IK they’re going to :slightly_smiling_face:

And, that’s fair.

But, yes, I do see a future of Seasonal Servers. I do see a future of NEW Servers, but that won’t pan out, as well, as some (not all) think it will :slightly_smiling_face:

if you don’t get it then you don’t get it. why does everyone have to. at least you respect the other side’s choices lmao

why? yall don’t. you insult and attack and go into threads and make passive aggressive comments at people you argued with in other threads. if you want people to respect the other sides choices, you can start doing that. at any time.

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you’re the king of passive aggressive. don’t project it onto me.

nah, i am full on aggressive. i make comments to people directly. if someone has me “blocked” i still do. you can see that with mr shaman who passive aggressively makes digs at me despite supposedly having me blocked, and me making comments directly to him. my post history isn’t hidden. anyone can search it.