Fresh Progression Servers

While doubling or even tripling the amount of time between phases.



No need for fresh servers

They should make fresh non-Multiboxing/No Boosting servers.
Let the users and defenders of these community-killing practices isolate themselves on their own servers, where they can bypass all the content and create 5-man groups as a single person in peace. The rest of us who actually want to play the game can have our own place.


Hard pass. If anything phases should’ve been shorter. 6 months and nothing but MC/ony was pretty boring.

I’d rather see servers launch in phase 6. A race to clear Naxx on a fresh server would be very interesting imo.

Yeah let’s stop the whole fresh right when AQ launches meme that pservers rats began to leech eachother’s playerbase as the game settled into it’s later stages.

Let it play out and let people experience it when it’s a little more mind numbing/chill.


I’ve always hated that tbh. Too many people thing the the AQ event is the “peak” of WoW. It’s not that good anyway lol

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I would create a new character & play on a new Classic fresh-start, no-transfer PvE server.


This would accomplish… what? As it was, people had so much time to farm each phase they basically are going into the next phase in full bis every time.

The only way to really test progression would be to open every raid at launch and see who can get to the end first.

Honestly, I’m game for this. The gearing starts getting obscene, PVP gear is drastically out paced by raid gear from here out, and Vanilla was in it’s twilight for the last year with AQ and Naxx with the dreadful number of people actually doing those raids. (Especially since objectively, BWL gear is better in many ways than AQ gear with few exceptions)

Get that IP theft server crap out of here.

I say half the time between phases accept for honor system to bg release.

I like zg and mc open day 1. 3 months bwl open. 2 months aq and 3 months naxx.

No. Just pull out Classic events on a somewhat irregular schedule, once per year at the soonest and longer if necessary.

Full on PServer tactics like fresh starts aren’t what is needed.

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What are you talking about?

The ‘fresh’ server drek. Kindly throw that stuff into the trash where it belongs.

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We all know that Blizzard has infinite money and infinite manpower. So why not invent a bunch of new game versions with different rules, and a bunch of new servers with those rules?

It doesn’t matter if that splits their playerbase. I want a custom game NOW, with the rules that I want NOW. Do it, Blizz-face!

Oh, and please make all the spiders in Ellwyn Forest rubber duckies instead. I really like rubber duckies. Can we get a rubber ducky mount, at level 27?

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Best time in Classic was Phase One.

Nah, best time in Classic was P2, sitting back and relaxing while listening to the anguished wails of those who said that Normal servers were for ‘carebears’ who weren’t playing the ‘real’ game crying that they couldn’t do their PvE content because there was too much PvP.


I mean I’d play on it. I missed out on the actual release experience because of work and life but now that the world is ending and I can’t go outside I have oodles of time. Oodles.


Yes please.

No matter what you do, or how you limit progression, or where you cap things, you will always have the try-hards out capping things near-instantly. Some people exist just to push the limits of leveling, raid clears, BiS, etc. Worse still, now that “Classic” WoW is a known quantity, it has a somewhat-objective endpoint in the BiS gear, no-meme-spec meta running about. While people will inevitably chime in that it’s not the way they play the game, the simple truth is that psychologically people in general like endpoints, and things to strive for as a completion metric. With objective BiS lists and all that, many people will align themselves thusly and play to “win” the game as opposed to true Vanilla days where people were happy just to while away the time online.

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