Fresh Progression Servers

So, what’s wrong with that? If that’s how they enjoy playing the game, let them. Seasonal servers would allow a new batch of players to join the “race” every few months if that’s what floats their boat.

It would also give players who wanted a chance to start in a fresh environment that option too.

Vanilla season 1 started in Nov 2004.
Vanilla season 2 started in Aug 2019.
All I’m arguing is to make the seasons come more frequently than 15 years.

Nothing’s “wrong” with that, but these types of threads tend to devolve into arguments of casuals vs. try-hards. My point is there will always be try-hards, and that won’t go away no matter how many alternate ruleset servers they create.

Of course not. There will always be casual and hardcore players.

The only question worth answering is does the idea have any value to you?

If you were to start a new character today, and a fresh/seasonal server was an option, would you choose to roll seasonal? I imagine most people who still play Diablo3 pretty much play seasonal characters exclusively. Diablo has made some effort to make seasons feel fresh, but I don’t think WoW would necessarily need to do that for it to be a popular feature.

I can only speak for myself, and I would certainly choose a fresh server for an alt if one was available.

Maybe think of it this way: if when Classic went live in Aug 2019, you had the choice of rolling a character on a mature server or a fresh server, which would you choose? Today, Aug 2020, the only choice is “mature”. Shouldn’t new players have the same opportunity that people did a year ago of starting on a fresh server? Seems reasonable to me.

Well, it would and it wouldn’t. Just like now, I play retail and Classic- no one flavor works for me, and depends on my mood.

From a logistics point, alternate ruleset servers would probably split the player base to the point of collapse. I honestly do not think enough people would throw in on seasonal servers to justify the added expense (in terms of the servers themselves and the hit to the other persistent servers).

So, are you saying you would not play on a seasonal server if that was an option?

I see seasonal/fresh start servers as the very best way to get new players into the game. WoW will continue to lose players as time marches on, because the current new-player experience in both retail and classic doesn’t feel very inviting. Both are a low-level waste land. Classic might be worse though, because the amount of time you have to invest to catch up (level to 60 and get geared) is tremendous, especially since there is no boost.

But why? I don’t get why people want vanilla to last forever. Its fun, for sure, but i was ready for TBC a few months ago. If there were fresh ‘progression’ servers as you call it, not only would they be ghost towns, that long between phases would guarantee dead servers.

Barrier of entry has always been an issue for any MMO. ZG and AQ20 exist as catch-up metrics for this, as well as the 5-man itemization revamp that occurred. Seasonal servers would help with that, certainly, but what is the season? As it is now, Classic WoW (and Vanilla before it) was divided into raid milestones: MC/Onyxia; BWL and ZG; AQ40/20; and, ultimately, Naxx. If a seasonal server launches, and the primary benefit/purpose is to attract new players and to overcome the barrier of entry problem you suggest, then the seasons would need to be short to capitalize on newbies. How do you keep the seasons short over all of those milestones (to keep attracting new blood) without also resurrecting/exacerbating the barrier of entry problem by rushing through the content phases so that you can keep the seasons short?

Everquest has time gated servers. Fresh start. I mean the game is 20 something years old but people still play and when they release time gated servers people start over. It’s a good concept in all but everquest is way more difficult than this game.

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I’ve heard people complain that phase 1 lasted too long, 6 months. If there were two seasonal servers that reset every 6 months, but were staggered by 3 months that would provide one fresh server every 3 months, but the entirety of vanilla progression (pre-naxx) could be condensed into that 6 months.

Server A resets January and July.
Server B resets April and October.

Then, every three months there would be “waves” of naxx-ready raiders transferring into the “static museum” normal classic servers that are end-of-life with Naxx content.

Everquest had its own teething problems with TLP servers though. When they first tried to restore “Classic” EQ, some stuff got overlooked like late-game craftable armors that completely shot both the power curve and the economy. It also suffered from the “known quantity” and multiboxing problems, such that multiboxers with six Enchanters were solo-clearing end-game content.

As it is now, EQ TLP’s are loaded with multiboxers and present nowhere near a classic experience (try Project 99 if you want Classic EQ). It’s basically niche players and occasional tourists.

i would be down, not playing now because i’m so far behind. would love new fresh pve server

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I loved everquest back when it was a thriving game. Raids were difficult. Took effort of the whole guild. Now I haven’t played it in sometime but at its peak that game was amazing. I played p99 for awhile. Brought back all the memories of corspe running into lower guk.

Do not mention LGuk to me. Serious trigger issues :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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All about that fungi tunic

They should just do periodic fresh servers.

Most of the vanilla crowd enjoys the early open world part of the game and the initial gearing.


Fresh servers would be great, especially ones w/o multi boxing and boosting

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That’s why I subscribed after being gone for 10 years, to play classic forever.

No. I’ve had all warrior BIS (from raids) since March. I don’t want to spend another night in either BWL or MC, let alone another year and a half.

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no thanks.

Yea but if started now, run it timed with a progression into TBC.