Fresh OCE servers?

Why is there no fresh OCE server? I am really not looking forward to the high pings from being forced to play on NA.

Anyone in OCE that does play will likely end up getting benched in certain fights where lag results in screwing up raid mechanics that come in with the harder content.


Why ? because we have just under 14,000 players across the Oceanic servers that have stepped into a raid, lets say ( being generous ) there is another 2,500 unique players across all the servers, That is still under 20,000 players and not healthy at all.

Fresh is great and I think everyone should have the opportunity to play how / where they want but you are an idiot if you think the servers will survive for longer than 2 months it will literally be Felstriker 2.0.

No one will get benched playing on US servers , if we can raid on private servers with 350 ping connecting to some dodgy Slav or French server we can play with 150 ping on a US east server.


I’d rather see if OCE can work rather than give up immediately. Worst case scenario we all get moved to some American fresh server.


Arugal is practically dead on Alliance you would like to lose what little we have just to see if it can work? let alone the fact Blizzards track record of moving people is slower than Barilaro

I think you underestimate how many people are actually keen for a fresh OCE server. Take into account returning players and there is a lot of interest. If it dies in 2 months time as you predict, at least it would give the returning players a chance to play content with other fresh players, instead of having to play catch up. This is a no brainer for Blizzard as a lot of people would return for a fresh server, but find it daunting to start again with people already at max level. The cost of running a server is low compared to the money they would make from returning players.


Most of the people who will come back are the same ones who quit 1 month into Classic because they got too far behind and then did the same in TBC because it wasn’t fair that people had full T3 and 10k gold while they were still wearing SM gear.

It will be the PvP scene all over again, Vocal minorities will force Blizzards hand, they will create a fresh wrath and it will die faster than the SoM server did.

So what? If that is the case i’ll have a bunch of fun with my mates until that happens. Then they merge it with another realm and all is right with the world.

OR it survives and becomes another populated realm and all is right with the world.


Well I haven’t stepped into recent raids as I had no interest in TBC and I am not alone.

I forgot to unsub but stopped playing TBC at SCC. A lot of friends stopped at the start of TBC.

TBC stats don’t in anyway give a window into what a fresh server would look like.

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Regarding benching. It does happen we had rogues benched that were playing from the US on arugal. One benched himself as he would miss inturrupts. They were here by choice as the timezone suited shift work.

According to ironforge the player base on classic Arugal has halved over the course of the expansion. Combining a fresh server and a “new” expansion could convince those people to come back.

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Yo dudebro! I’m going alliance on fresh. try convince legions and jacks to start again :wink:

Well assuming we get one…

I got legions on board and jacks is a maybe. Come on blizzard give us our server.

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Jump on the blue announcement board and give em a nudge there too.

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“Most of the people who will come back are the same ones who quit 1 month into Classic because they got too far behind”

I’m guessing this is based on factual information you’ve gathered from Blizzard analytics and not some random armchair speculation of “iN My PrOFEsSioNAL OpiNYON”? Really curious as to how you know who is coming back and why and in how many numbers.


I think blizz actually uses armchair analytics… well it would explain some of the poor decisions they make.

To be very blunt, if they don’t release a fresh start Oceanic WOTLK server within a week of the NA and EU one, I will no longer be playing the game. I’d rather skip WOTLK entirely than have to deal with 300 latency again.

Plenty of other games to play. If they’re not going to cater to us the same as NA and EU, I am not going to give them my money. Simple as that.


Conan 3.0 is coming out. My group have been playing survival MMOs while waiting for a fresh OCE wrath server.

Guess we will go back to that lol