Fresh OCE servers?

‘‘New Australian servers will launch before the latest expansion, Warlords of Draenor.’’
Do people forget tbc never had oce servers?
You wont get benched for 200ms ping unless you blame failing mechanics on your ping.
if you want a more classic experience play on NA servers will give it to you.


Thats the dream but lets be real can you see blizzard doing this?

I say let the fresh server be created for Oceanic realms. It will be on active on launch for and stay alive a couple months? maybe more!

I’d be ok with the server merge as my Horde priest finally joined my alliance on Yojamba so I’d welcome whatever I make in the fresh realm to one day join the Yojamba Bunch too (if it comes to it)

Because Blizzard don’t respect their customers in the Oceanic region, they don’t think we are worth their time.
If I were you, I would resist subbing & let them go without your money

yeah and it’s dead on alliance because blizzard didn’t do anything to prevent such a huge imbalance on the server, they allowed horde to heavily stack it, which made the server extremely unplayable for alliance

Then to make things worse, all the Horde on the oceanic realms cried about the large queues that occurred because of themselves & Blizzard ruined bg’s for not just Alliance but the whole oceanic region, just to improve the queues

They don’t seem to learn.

I will gladly help out with some project management if you need it Blizzard.

Its crazy to think a company had been dropping the ball for launches so consistently.

Not saying go out and allow the community to vote on how the game is made and what inclusions we want or we could end up with the “Homer Car” but for things like this launch… so easy to get right.

Send an email out to all of your customers past and current saying a simple question.

Where would you play for Wrath Fresh (can only pick one)

  1. OCE PvP
  2. OCE PvE
  3. US East PvP
  4. US East PvE etc….

Then advertise and release servers names with plenty of notice for name reservations (one name/one server only) further refining the data.

Following that post the ratios and inform people that there will be faction based queues to maintain no more than a 40/60 variance. Allow sufficient time for those on high faction side to digest and discuss with friends and move to the other faction or make the informed choice to sit in a queue.

With layering you really only need one server of each type in each zone.

Dropping the names and server locations on Friday arvo on your way out of the office is a really bad move… We call that a “friday afternoon special” It could only have been worse of you didn’t tell us until this week… oh hang on we still dont know if OCE get a server.

I am serious about the project management piece… I will donate time to you for free for the release of classic, classic Wrath to make sure you don’t drop the ball AGAIN.

We call that a “friday afternoon special”

They were literally on smoko break until 4:55pm and then dropped this bombshell and shut the lights off before heading to the pub

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Some of the stuff going on around this launch maybe its been long lunches at the pub most days?

You really think half of arugal left because they were waiting for a fresh server? I’m an oce player too and I was interested in fresh at first but there definitely isn’t enough interest for a server to be viable. There is wayyyyy less interest in the fresh server than there was for som and that died rapidly. The population is big enough for yojamba and arugal, there’s no need to split it even further.

Well I wasnt interested in SoM.

I would have been happy to have classic stay as it was with a TBC and Wrath Fresh come out rather than progressive.

Most of my immediate friends group quit at the end of Classic as they don’t like TBC others quit during TBC. We all are intending on coming back for Wrath.

I love it how people think that all the players for wrath fresh will come from the existing servers… there are a lot more people in the world wanting to play the most popular expansion ever…

You can see interest in discords from people looking for guilds. Before som there was multiple guilds around with multiple hundreds in some of them for oce. I found one guild recruiting for wrath fresh oce and there is 43 members.

you got a source for that.

no I think there are lots of different reasons why people left, and I know a fresh server combined with a “new” expansion would convince some of them to come back.

LOL yeah 100% representative of player intentions… Lots of discords flashing up BTW.

Even on the main fresh wrath discord, out of 5.5k members there is 77 oceanic players… Obviously there are people outside of the discords, I’m not saying that the entire server will be on the same discord. But it’s a pretty good indication.

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Just had another look, there was 2 guilds recruiting, one of them quit recruiting and decided to merge with an NA guild. The other has 43 members.

Even on the main fresh wrath discord, out of 5.5k members there is 77 oceanic players… Obviously there are people outside of the discords, I’m not saying that the entire server will be on the same discord. But it’s a pretty good indication.

Oh well when you put it so eloquently, we can only go ahead and listen to your absolute expert opinion on the subject.

Close up the thread guys this man has solved the dilemma.

Okay, and what are you basing wanting oce fresh realms on? There isn’t enough people that want it.

Plus 1 for a OCE fresh server!!!

There isn’t enough people that want it.

Of course bro how could I argue with something so concrete - could you maybe just send me the link to the Australian Bureau of Statistics census data where you got your hot take analysis from? Because obviously you just have such an in-depth knowledge of what people want and how many people want it our feeble minds can’t comprehend the apocalyptic disaster that would follow if they just gave us a single fresh server

Much like the concrete bureau of statistics approved 10 people on the forums asking for oce fresh servers? Nice stats bro.