So there’s a new bug that I got hit by yesterday y’all. I can’t talk in /say or /emote, literally the TWO channels that are essential to rp.
Before you ask, I’m not silenced, and nor is it an addon issue. It’s so much weirder. I did some tests with a friend and our ‘scientific conclusion’ is that people who are lvl 1-60 can hear me, while people who are lvl 61-70 cannot. I don’t have Dragonflight so it’s likely something related to that. Another friend told me that some people they know are also experiencing the same issue.
I tried literally everything that I could find on fixing UI issues over the course of a few hours yesterday and came up short, so I put in a ticket and what do you know; they just told me to do the same stuff I’d already tried. Great stuff guys! 
If anyone else is dealing with this then know that you’re not alone and feel free to drop a response in this thread. Feels like this game is just becoming a buggy mess lately.
We did one final test in which my friend bought Dragonflight for me (shout out the insanely generous Imra, just the loveliest person ever of all time) and they could SEE MY POSTS. LITERALLY DIDN’T EVEN HAVE TO LOG OUT. SO THE PROBLEM IS CENTRED AROUND NOT HAVING DF!!!
Suppose that is one way to make money out of players 
Happy you got it fixed, though!
Yeah it’s really lame, and now I’m seeing it with tons of other people too. Blizz needs to fix this asap, because it’s ruining people’s RP
You have saved me a tremendous amount of time and effort. Thank you.
I have friends who do not have the Dragonflight expansion, as well as friends who do have it on one account, and not on their other account. I was just about to open a ticket when this was suggested.
This is a game breaking bug. This effectively locks people out of RP, which is something so integral to the game that there are literally server options set up for them. This is like if it was impossible to PVP in instanced battlegrounds.
After some additional testing? /party, /general and others work. Whispers do, as well.
I have to hope this is a bug, as if it is an intentional feature? It’s not just mean-spirited, it’s also backwards. $15 a month is a lot easier to do than $50 up front. People will keep paying that fee for a while. I don’t mind spending that for something being used only now and then. But if you tell me I have to spend $50 in order to be able to keep spending $15, even if I don’t have a plan to do anything with that content? That’s…a much harder sale.
In an attempt to get $50 upfront, you are jeopardizing $15 for the entirety of time the person plays the game.
And not announcing this is what gives me hope it’s just a bug. And not just…tone deaf, short-sighted, counterproductive, non-communicated…
…yes. Here’s hoping it’s just a bug.
Yeah I think it’s def a bug and not a feature. It doesn’t really make sense for them to put that block up when you consider that blocking off the /s and /e channels would barely change anything about the game for the vast majority of players who are non-RPers. It’s totally some dumb oversight in the code, imo.
…Whether they’ll fix the bug is another matter entirely, though. I made a post in the bug report forums too and it’s got no traction, so idk if Blizz even knows about it.
Maybe reply here if you guys can so they’ll see it:
This bug is still here. I bring it up because I know at least three different people who dual-box, using their alt accounts for throwaway/quest NPCs, vendors, things like that.
This effectively kills that, which can have a ripple effect on that kind of RP. Or even RP in general; it’s not like it should matter what level someone with an active account is for their character. I say that as someone who hung around level 40/old 70 for years.
It can also lead to some embarrassing questions. At the end of the day, this is a very cost efficient game we are playing. However, I can sympathize with people who may not necessarily have $50 laying around to spend on a ‘hobby’. I don’t want to see that kind of person go through any additional stress.
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I just had that issue today when roleplaying with some randoms in Stormwind. One could see what I was saying, though they were under level 60. The other person could not, and they were above level 60. it’s very frustrating, especially since I just resubbed to WoW and have been trying to get back into the rp scene after a near 3 year break. Really hope they fix this soon. I’m so sorry to everyone else experiencing this as well!
Now everyone gets to see what the world is like from the Pook’s perspective!
To keep others in the loop? This bug seems to have been resolved with the latest realm restarts.
I understand that this only impacts a small group of people directly. Indirectly, probably a lot more, as the person who you thought was ignoring you may have been trying to RP.
Anyway, glad it was resolved. Cheers.
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