FRESH is inevitable

You can already see these “fresh projects” on discord. Meaning people want fresh so bad they are even willing to play on ruined economies with bots, boosters and endgame progression.

All those things the anti-freshers claimed they were running from.

Turns out people just like leveling and the social aspect more than a chance to world first. Who would have thought. Regardless…

Fresh servers are coming. It’s a guarantee at this point. And I really can’t wait to run into all the anti-freshers leveling in these new servers.


I don’t understand why so many people are against us having a fresh server.
We’re not asking for much yet some people think we have this evil agenda of trying to get a world first lol

We are just a bunch of tbc fans interested in a nice healthy server launch.
We don’t want players flying around week 1 with epic flying.
We want to struggle for that gold, We want to earn that flying.


There were fresh servers without boosts back when TBC launched in 2007. We’re asking for the classic experience. Without fresh servers it’s literally a different game.


Yup, I played on one of them. Alterac Mountains and it was great


Fresh is probably inevitable, but it seems to have already been confirmed to not happen for TBC launch. Fresh servers will probably launch at different times than expansions so Blizz can make you resub more often.

I expect a classic fresh sometime during TBC.


Fresh servers as Goofy as I think they are; its only a matter of when.

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Nobody is against you having them, just people with experience on FRESH projects keep telling you it won’t turn out the way you think it will and it isn’t the solution to the problems being described in these threads.

By all means, I love FRESH projects, but I know what they are going into them and don’t have any false expectations about what they will entail.


No one is against you, jesus the melodrama. Blizzard has done the math and determined the subs gained by “FRESH” won’t be worth the upkeep, deal with it.


Man its such a shame that TBC won’t have this experience when it launches. Its crazy to think that a handful of people are going to make toons on an already dead server, play it for a few weeks then come back and complain on forums because they’re bored.

Give them fresh, I don’t really care. I want people to have fun. But from a business perspective its a bad move. What happens when that server is no longer ‘fresh’? Going to ask for more fresh servers with less than 1k players that have interest in it? Thats work for blizzard with very low profit margins.

I hate to say it, but the fresh community is the embodiment of ‘you think you do, but you don’t’.



If that’s true why did they mention this? Also can you source me to this math that you have mentioned?

Seems like fake news imo

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Fresh servers are pointless. We have more servers right now than is needed. For those who dont understand the difference between TBC launching when was still new and growing by the millions classoc tbc where the only subs you can rely on are returning players, well theres no helping you.

Theres no reason to start a cycle of investment in servers that when the majority of the servers population hits max level they demand new fresh servers or they will leave and go to pservers.

Fresh servers are unneeded.


So… Let me get this straight. Drop the cynical pretense for a second and I’ll try to understand your side of this…

You think that people who play fresh servers are going to quit classic and quit their fresh server?

Fwiw I played from classic launch all the way to the end of AQ. And I only stopped because two guilds collapsed in a row. Even still, I want to understand something:

Why do you care how blizzard spends its money? And what makes you think fresh servers will cost them anything?

There is no point in mindlessly arguing if you can’t answer those.


I do not care how blizzard spends its money, HOWEVER, once you ask for fresh once, you’ll continue to ask for fresh. Its a never ending cycle that I’m sure blizzard doesn’t want to deal with given the relatively low number of players asking for it.

I’m not against giving people fresh servers. I’m just questioning why they want it in the first place. If you want the social aspect of people leveling together and having fun, you’ll get that once TBC launches. EVERYONE will be in outlands leveling together, grouping to do quests and dungeons. Its EXACTLY what you guys are asking for.

I get that there is a group of people that want fresh classic or classic forever servers. However, there are vastly more people who aren’t the least bit interested in classic. It doesn’t seem like a good investment for a group of people that quite literally can’t be appeased. You’ll just keep asking for fresh over and over again. What you’re looking for is a private server that resets once a year.


This. 1 or 2 servers dedicated to the cycle of Classic.

Honestly, this is what I’d prefer. Something to hop on, try some new stuff and then have it reset at the end of it’s cycle. No new server would need to be released once it has hit its end. All data would get deleted and it would restart from phase 1. True phase 1. Not the early DireMaul release they did, or early bg’s or anything of the sort.

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I’m going to level a couple characters 60-70 in TBC. I’d also enjoy a fresh server where everyone is starting again from scratch. I’d enjoy it even more if the reset was seasonal.* They obviously aren’t the same experience, so why pretend they are?

  • I can’t promise I’d play every season for the rest of my life, but hopefully that kind of commitment isn’t necessary to express support for fresh servers.

You keep making this argument over and over but have no evidence to back it up. You do not know that these people will quit early. And even if they do FRESH players don’t care if you have to merge servers.


So, in your mind, you think everyone who creates on fresh will have the exact same mentality? That is some next level speculation… Yikes.

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They are delusional or trolls. Pick one.

Yes… Considering fresh servers for Classic were being asked for not even 4 months in… Unless population demands more servers then there really is no reason to release fresh servers just for the sake of fresh servers.

You can go back to pservers.

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You are conflating two entirely different scenarios. Your entire rant is based on pure speculation that people will demand further fresh servers after a set amount of time.

The whole point of this topic is whether or not there should be fresh for TBC launch, which you provided absolutely zero evidence/claims to support your argument. Any debate beyond that is irrelevant to this conversation.

Also, I don’t play on private and never have, but I sure did enjoy playing on fresh TBC servers when it was originally launched.