Fresh Classic will be a disappointment for many

I think a good compromise is to allow GDKP on the old era servers, but keep it off a fresh one. Then after Naxx is stale, open GDKP and merge the fresh server with the old ones. Open a new fresh the same day. There should always be a GDKP free server/battlegroup. But at the same time, GDKP is healthy for old servers to keep populations. I think it is a good solution.

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People who ask for ban gdkp is the same cringe people that still plays SoD, they killed that trash game and seems like wasn’t enough. Just play what u want if u like SR runs and roll agains 24 people for an item with a chance of 1/100 to get it just do it idc.

I’ll always against RMT not a loot system, thats dumb.


Nah, I think people who want GDKP banned are people who realize the obvious truth of GDKP - which Blizzard has already admitted to:

The important question is: ‘which makes Blizzard more money?’. Because Blizzard does not care at all about the amount of RMT, bots, etc. if it does not harm their revenue. However, If Blizzard finds that they are making more money through retained subs by keeping RMT out of raiding, then they will continue to enforce that policy.


The obvious truth is that the problem are gold sellers and RMT. People still buy gold in SoD to buy consumables, people in HC buy gold to get PETRIS, like the obvius solution is not ban GDKP is ban gold sellers, if blizzard dont do it with more regularly its maybe for what u say at the end , but I dont work for them.


Classic will never be vanilla. I mean if people are playing it great but this idea it’ll ever be the same, regardless of what blizzard does, is dumb. If you don’t enjoy it great move on. If your expecting that vanilla esque feel, sorry bout your luck. It’ll never happen.

Yet with the GDKP ban in SOD what blizzard found was that GDKP wasn’t really driving RMT, as RMT went up with the ban, so those who really use RMT are those like yourself who hate GDKP, want to run SR runs, but wont farm your own consumes, because of course bots can do it easier and cheaper, so exactly where do you get all this gold, RMT of course. I mean since many of the GDKPers left, they really can’t be part of the boom in gold purchases on SOD can they.

What Blizzard really needs to do, isn’t mess with GDKP as it isn’t and has never been the problem. They simply need to cut off all the cheap consumes that are flowing into the high population servers from the low population servers and let the costs of consumes go up to their correct values. Then go after bots much more strongly, and have stronger penalties for those buying gold. Additionally, though this would be a change, black lotus spawns should go away, and be added to normal herbs, like Arcane Crystals, and all resource nodes should be have significantly expanded spawn points (AI driven) to greatly reduce the ability of a bots to farm nodes.


GDKP has to be banned for whatever fresh servers are up. Then when they retire to the whitemane dystopia, open up GDKP. But then open up a new fresh.

We should never be without a fresh server that is GDKP free.

This is a game breaking issue, and Blizzard needs to take heed.

I logged into Whitemane and LFG is not playable for a normal wow player. No groups even bother trying to form outside of GDKP spam. You wouldn’t be able to see it even if they tried to form.

It’s simply a question of if Blizzard wants their game to be enjoyed by wow hobbyists, or just for people using their servers to make money at the expense of the hobbyists, completely destroying the social aspect of the game.

This includes a boosting for gold ban.


RMT-DKPers like to repeat this a lot, and never provide any evidence. It costs about $5 to consume for a raid on Whitemane, and $0.5 on Crusader Strike - so there appears to be very little demand for the botted gold on SOD. Which lines up directly with the quoted blue post.

Nevertheless, if you are right - it is actually bad news for people who like GDKP. If Blizzard can retain the thousands of bot subscriptions along with any increase to subscriptions that they find by keeping RMT out of the raiding - then that means that Blizz gets to have the best of both worlds by banning GDKP. Ironically, if Blizzard decides to allow GDKP going forward, it will most likely mean that the GDKP-ban was too effective at removing the bots.

This would do nothing to stop bots from farming nodes.

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Yes, anything “Fresh” or "New (like a season) will need a GDKP ban.

Since Blizz is borderline inept in its enforcement and there enough posers (players) to ruin the game for everyone with RMT, we gotta slap that bandaid on there so we can pretend everything is hunky dory.

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I thought with classic it was going to be seasons, and the server fully reset like every year or something.

I was super excited about that. I am not sure why that did not happen. I personally enjoyed BC and Wrath back in the day but its nothing like classic.

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I appreciate quoting Kaivax of all people. Dude still owes us Cata fury warriors a buff after they absolutely shadow-realmed the spec going into 4.3.

The only thing banning GDKP does is reduce the amount of gold trades, so it’s easier to see all the people buying gold. Doesn’t mean they actually ban anyone for more than a few days, much less the gold sellers themselves.

Also, again, gold is cheaper on SoD because there is quite literally just more gold, thanks to Incursions and dailies. Consumes are cheaper by and large due to getting more per craft and more materials per node + real chests.

Go look at how much gold is on retail, last I checked it’s sold by the K, and I don’t think GDKP’s are as popular there as straight up carries/boosts.

The GDKP removal does nothing to RMT, or if it does do something it’s bordering on negligible except now the quality of pugs is absolute trash.

Maybe because a sh!tload of us would not ever play if we were not sure we could keep our characters and level at our leisure.

While this is true if you have a fresh or new release and GDKP is a thing it will be exploited.

Who cares? I wanna raid with people who don’t leave if you wipe on a boss, or leave part-way because their item either did or didn’t drop. GDKP made this possible for everyone, not just those who could commit to a guild.


You do realize that bots for the most part run on preprogramed routes because resource spawns are consistent, so they can program it, if you remove that constancy, you mess with that, and while yes that wont eliminate bots, it makes it far more challenging. Thats why its easy for them to have a hunter use eagle eye for example in burning steps to spot the lotus’s they know where they will spawn, if you break this and allow things to spawn randomly, then the bots no longer can just run an easy pattern, so yes this makes it harder on bots, and easier for real players, though it will mess with some of the easy routes herbers use.

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Step 1. Source of Fresh Classic?
Start there first. The rest of your post is void.

Bots are hacks; they know where the herbs are for the same reason an aimbot knows where your head is. You are never going to stop people from botting, you can only ban them and try to reduce the impact that they can have on the game. This is why banning RMT-raiding is one of the most effective solutions to the botting problem. Not because it makes botting harder, but because it vastly reduces the impact of cheating on the most important PvE feature of the game.

FWIW, WoW has a botting problem, but that’s because they did anti-cheat right (server-side).

Guys couldn’t all this be resolved by simply adding in game GMs?

Someone does. Blizzard certainly isn’t going to let their pet projects get dragged down into the morass because people have no self control. Instead of asking who just say you don’t.

You don’t need GDKP to accomplish those objectives. It “works” in GDKP because everyone has to put up gold beforehand which gets distributed at the end of the raid. If you quit early, no cut for you. Maybe that’s exactly what you meant instead of your implication that its simply a superior pug scheme but either way that’s not a flex.

Like so many other things touted about GDKP its something inherently built into it and people volunteer to play under the ruleset so that’s not a perk or extra benefit. Its a perk in other raids though.

It also made it possible for people to exploit the hell out of game, which is why Blizz made it against SoD rules. Also, people who commit to guilds should have it better than people who use gold to buy (and sell) commitment for an evening.

My apologies, I wasn’t trying to be adversarial. I was using your post as opportunity to expand on my earlier post: Going forward, any new Seasonal or Fresh server of any kind will launch with an immediate GDKP ban on it. You can put money on that.

I want to get ahead of it because people will blame Blizzard policy and RMT in general but they never get around to blaming the cause which are your peers in GDKPs. We are the reason why we can’t have them in SoD - not as amazing as you guys make it sound.

RMT still exists in literally every version of WoW, private servers had RMT long before GDKP became popular, Cata classic still obviously has RMT, and so does Retail, in fact I want you to ask yourself something. If RMT wasn’t absolutely rampant in the community, would it be worth anything for Blizzard to directly compete with gold sellers? Cause that’s what the WoW Token is for. Just because the token is “legal” RMT, doesn’t make it not RMT. And GDKP wasn’t necessary for it to come into existence.

What do you mean by this by the way? “Put up gold beforehand”?

You do understand that’s not what happens right? People just stay because the payout happens at the end of the raid. You could, in theory, achieve the same result in SR pugs if you could clear the raid fast enough to just loot everything and roll it off at the end of the run, but the vast majority of pugs are extremely low quality and can barely kill bosses in the first place.

People still die to Onyxia breath. Minor correction, raids still WIPE to Onyxia breath…