Fresh Classic will be a disappointment for many

It’s so disappointing that players want the easy way to get loot.
Guess the torch has OFFICIALLY been passed to the younger generation brothers and sisters.
The only way to get the original feel of the game is to do four things:

  1. Remove all layering in zones.
  2. Ban GDKP.
  3. Make the content substantially more difficult.
  4. Make at least a few end game dungeons 10 man instead of 5 while maintaining difficulty.

End of the line for this 2005 player.
So long and farewell.


You’re basically describing Season of Mastery


Just release classic with a promise of TBC in 1 year and I am subbed


And removed world buffs. They were good changes, too short of a timeline though.


Season of Mastery had layering and was a rushed attempt at a seasonal server to maximize the interest in Classic. It was filled with bugs top to bottom as well. What I’m saying is VERY different.

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ditto tbh.


This is a given, fresh with layering will be way worse than without.

No, don’t overcomplicate things. Just release a fresh server and focus on phase release schedule.

What is important is that people can rank from the start but only pvp blues available (the 58 version) so that pvp gear doesn’t overpower MC gear right away.

At BWL they can release the rank 14 pvp gear.

Most players will always quit by AQ - and that’s fine, the server can be designed to winddown, the people left can do their naxx progressions, then it dumps into Era AND STARTS AGAIN :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


I don’t think it had layers. My server didn’t.

Just lots of servers (too many servers, which they learned was a bad idea, hence the layering in SoD)

Is it honestly that big of a deal to have less servers at first until they fill then add more? Why does everyone have to play day one on a server with a multi-year lifespan?

(The post I’m quoting is actually the best example of the difference between generations of players)

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People want their names

I didn’t care about transferring (but I also reserved my name on multiple servers)

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these lads cant wait to follow restedxp like lemmings for 60 levels for a third time


Names can be reserved by creating a character which does not require you to enter the game world.

Most don’t do this

Not saying it’s right or wrong. Just saying they tried it, and people prefer fewer servers + more layers.

GDKP needs to go away, for sure.


We were never given a choice. They opened way too few servers back in 2019.

You’re about to get replies from people who have no idea why SOM failed. Brace yourself.

i want gdkp though.


Fresh TBC when. I don’t want a progression server, I just want TBC.


I feel like if they don’t do progression, they will add TBC to existing classic, which would be bad because so many existing classic players would waltz into TBC with 100k gold.

Ya it would have to be a fresh tbc

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