Last week no problem brought an alt up from nothing to 2500 rating… almost all +10’s done.
This week no matter what I run +8 through +10 to try and gear up through crests EVERY group is absolutely terrible.
People who don’t know their class
People who don’t know mechanics at all
Lack of interrupts etc.
Only about 10% of my groups scrape by to the end without disbanding and only half of those make timer.
My theory is that all the good players are in Fresh Classic. Guess I quit too and go classic? Kinda been there and done that 3 times…
The more often they release mediocre or bad system design for M+/raiding/pvp, you can bet your bottom dollar, that their once dedicated players are going to migrate to other games, even classic. (which with dual spec, i think is worth a play through).
It’s like the overwatch theory - the devs don’t care until they lose their playerbase…then beg for them to return with promises of “change”
have fun with those engagement numbers guys, just be prepared to have another brutosaur up your sleeve if you can’t get it right
I’ll be on fresh for a bit because it’s fun, but I’m guessing 80% of the people on fresh (which is less than 24 hours old) won’t still be there in a month.
From my experience, it’s not just new Classic realms. It’s all the games that offer something than other sitting in queue getting declined for +3s.
When you really think about, the requirements to participate in content are getting so absurd that players just aren’t willing to go that far anymore.
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The season is basically over, people are gonna play classic for something to do. Really the time to push M+ was 2 months ago.
Tank/healer changes need reverted. Level squish was fine but the combination has sapped a lot of participation and caused reigns to tighten on who people will invite.
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This makes sense. I’ve been taking my alt through m+ today and a lot of disbands, more than usual.
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Bull poop, I got KSH and +10s on my main two weeks ago without issue.
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I did. Like I said. It’s an alt.
What does this have to do with anything? There’s a wide chasm between carrying someone and a whole group not knowing mechanics.
At least comment from a character who has step foot in m+?
You can check achievements. M+ isn’t isolated to this season. And I’ve done all on +11 so far.
There’s also raider io.
But going to 10% success rate is EXTREME.
Has to be lack of vetting.
It has to do with pugging.
You can vet a group but if people in the group got carried to their current io then vetting doesn’t matter.
Your comment assuming I was carried up until now is complete bs and has nothing to do with anything.
You are either trolling or just didn’t think through your comment or didn’t understand the original post.
Success rates won’t plunge that dramatically.
You are either hyperbolic or groups aren’t that bad, or you’ve run like 30 keys.
And only finished three. (Timed or not, idk.)
Well seeing as you have zero experience with the current situation let’s say you don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.
Unless I’m the tank or maybe a healer they can literally go down that much.
This season - I’ve timed over 100 keys on my main and I think like 30-40 on my alt. So try again?
You join up with other weekly key farmers.
Not anyone struggling through 10s. It’s group selection.
I mean this week. How else are you going to get 10%?
Sample size of 20 at minimum imo.
Look dude.
I literally had zero problems in keys up until this week now pretty much every group is awful. Don’t know what to tell you.
My alt is a bm hunter. Even with a proven main on raider io people aren’t exactly begging bm hunters to join their groups.
If you’re shifting from weekly farmers, to people just getting into 10s, that would explain the shift.
Real time update… I just pugged a +10 GB 3k Rated shaman healer , 3k tank… healer died like 3 times before we made it to first boss… Tank died on first boss 3x… Then died on trash immediately after…
Decided to do aug +10 mists, (of which I only have +11 stone vault timed at all.)
Bricked, but my own dps sucked, so not that unexpected. Also one wipe to a mistake, but I coulda prevented it with an interrupt.
like 3 mins over time heh.
Inline with expectations.