The big bang of players in classic era has exploded… blizzard would be missing out without releasing a fresh server.
I know 5 people that have said “Ill come back when they do fresh”. Now imagine how many of people know 5 people that are saying the same thing.
Never cave to freshers. Work on Classic Era’s Phase 7 instead! OP exposes the fresh community’s glammer is built upon pillars of FOMO. Creating quality, lasting Classic WoW content is a far better aspiration than another cheap spinoff.
Can’t wait for the fresh, need som2 asap
Blizzard only has 5 people working on classic
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for now, HC is the fresh. get excited 
I’m excited to see soft core servers where people trade and enjoy a fake HC fresh experience and then turn around and say it’s crap. Tbh it’s kinda laughable
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I would love a fresh vanilla server along side hardcore that does not expire like SOM did. But with some of the SoM changes like killing boosting and even some quest exp increases. I enjoy leveling while everyone is on the same page. I like progressing with everyone. I find it special. Thankfully Era still has a lot of people rolling new characters but boosting is still happening which is just sad and lame. I was worried hardcore would lead to a mass exodus from Era servers but I think a lot of people will get annoyed after their 5 or 6th character death and come back. My biggest concern right now is just keeping Vanilla alive
A fresh has a lot of appeal. For me it is the sense of there being too much gold in the game on Era (the economy) and one of the best things in WoW is opening AQ.
There is a lot to like about Hardcore but the SSF and similar “solo” rules aren’t my thing.
SoM would be cool and I would enjoy it even more if it went on to TBC before closing
Consider playing on a realm that isn’t a free transfer destination. There won’t be any advertised boosting services and the guilds in those smaller cluster that are actively progressing through content would appreciate all the help they can get.
Last week we did 10/10 ZG while still missing 6 people. This week we’ll be checking out AQ for their nice skill books, rep, and other loot!
It’s true an actual Hardcore (one life) server does appeal to a very niche audience. While obviously a few people who want everyone to play like they do might be upset, most people are happy with the ability to level as they want, and for those that do not want to trade, they still have that option.
An official HC server eliminates the single biggest problem with the current servers, the mixed population of both HC and non HC characters. I suspect the only people who will be upset with the Official HC server are those who want appeals, but then they were never hardcore to begin with.
What clusters would those be? I’m leveling a new rogue on Ashkandi/PVE cluster for comfy times. it’s not as bad as Whiteman/PvP cluster but I still see the ads in my LFG bulletin board addon
To give a full picture, I’m copy/pasting a bit from an earlier post about Classic Era realms in our region.
North America has 5 NA clusters along with 1 OCE cluster:
Respectively, the cluster locations in the above bluepost are:
- PVP West
- PvE East
- PvE West
- PvP East 1
- PvP East 2
The PvP West (Whitemane+9 realms) and PvE East (Mankrik+4realms) receive free transfers.
I play Horde with my guildies on the 5 realm PvP East Cluster. It’s realms are Benediction, Faerlina, Heartseeker, Incendius, and Netherwind.
Additionally, there are 3 RP realms: Deviate Delight, Grobbulus, and Bloodsail Buckaneers.
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Why not do a fresh start progression guild? Only allow freshly rolled characters and items from scheduled raiding tiers? That seems like a way you could progress through the phases at your own guild’s pace, and is maybe what I would do if I was going to pick up Classic Era right now.
I’d most likely play again if they did fresh as well. I’m still mad I never cloned my Classic Mage, I got the luckiest RNG on that toon it was insane.
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Fresh is a non-starter until the day Blizzard actually permanently solves the botting and RMT problem. Just watch how fast it becomes a widespread problem on the HC servers.
Until that happens, Fresh servers are nothing more or less than profit boosts for gold sellers.
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Wishful thinking, if Blizzard’s current team was capable of creating anything worth playing, you wouldnt be stuck on a game from 20 years ago
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You don’t need fresh servers to play the game if you’re worried about getting smashed by players that out gear you don’t play classic simple.
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The gold/economy is really very important. It feels broken when stacks of whatever are like 20g or 40g and epic items are 5000g lol
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Indeed, instead we will have hardcore players and softcore players. The server is still mixed population. Enjoy!

Actually tried to start a static guild/group like that once, progressing through content ignoring catch up mechanics and the newer tiers. Didn’t seem too likely. The folks hounding after progression and competition vastly outnumber us.