These are great points and ideas. The reason I said “give us more survivability at the expense of other things”, is because it appears that nowadays they just don’t give out significant buffs to hybrid specs that can do it all…
I still think there’s been a major design fail… I’d say that started in Warlords, where mobility started trickling back in unequally… in fact, favouring melee specs. BfA was a good respite where things could clearly complement or counter each other IMO, but towards its second half with so much Haste and Corruption shenanigans amping up… Well, we were quickly back then to a rushed, un-pruned mess in DF, with things not scaling properly. In PvP, for example, Balance Druid relies on Precognition (Vicious Cognitive Bloodstone), and I think that speaks volumes.
So, the reason I say “nerf mobility” is because I think we’d have no choice but to trade-in one thing for another… and I, for one, would prefer if Druids were tankier in the PvP meta specifically (and I guess it would also be nicer in PvE, not having to spam Regrowth a dozen times, or shift into Bear only to barely… heal for anything worthwhile). There definitely ARE easy fixes we could get for now, though, like reverting the DF hybrid mana for healing value change (Stronger but more expensive Regrowth for non-Resto), and fix or buff Frenzied Regen somehow. Renewal is still pretty great, but also gets nuked by every MS effect and dampening… Ultimately, I hope the time will come when some of our abilities are core mechanics will just be revised more thoroughly and thoughtfully.
I think a number-based FR would be great, though, and I’ve always wanted some form of more substantial shielding, leeching or anything along those lines for Druid. I miss Savage Defense in its early iterations… In fact, I suggested perhaps that could replace FR as an absorb, as a talent option. Let’s keep on discussing, submitting suggestions and raising ideas… I guess and hold out hope that better tuning can help us capitalize on our strengths until (hopefully!) a re-design EARLY ON in the testing cycles of Midnight 12.0… (because basically nothing changed during this one, until it was way too late for anything meaningful, and there are still issues with the talent trees… Even though, in the case of Boomy, I’m quite happy with 11.0.5, and just think Eclipse needs to be addressed next, besides our recovery).