Exclusive Dragonflight Interview: Ion Hazzikostas talks about the future of WoW - World of Warcraft - JudgeHype
Gonna quickly translate the important lore parts:
Khadgar and Wrathion will have a major part to play in expansion as well as other characters that will make their return. So is Tyrande.
There will be a big bad, but like Mists of Pandaria, it is something we will discover later on.
The Dracthyr will be able to choose a faction but unlike Mists it is not a philosophical/faction rivalry fueled choice and purely practical in nature.
Some small Changes will happen in Kalimdor and EK. It will focus on certain NPCs and the future of the Forsaken but will mostly focus on the new continent of the expansion.
We will learn more about Galakrond, Proto-drakes, Giants and certain choices dragons must make.
Did you translate this using Google translate?
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Considering Khadgar is set to explore the Shadowlands afterlives with 9.2.5, I have a feeling that he will end up dying at some point in Dragonflight.
I guess that means that are not going to announce a big bad like they did for Mists then. Usually big bad are seeped into the lore though with the Jailer anything is possible, so it could be a threat we encounter on the Dragon Isles or returning face such as Chromatus.
I’m just wondering if the Horde leader for the Dracthyr will automatically get a seat on the Horde Council so that all playable races have their leader on it or if said leader will have to prove themselves beforehand.
Looking forward to those changes.
I’m honestly expecting us to learn exactly what Watcher Tyr (he offers vague wording in Dawn of Aspects implying that he responsible) accidentally did to make Galakrond the abomination he became.
Interesting that we will see more Tyrande.
I thought I saw some Night Elf style ruins on the isles, but I wasn’t sure.
if the isles were part of the Kalimdor supercontinent, could easily be so. even if they were always a separate series of islands, there could have been some nelf explorers that set up an outpost and were allowed to stay.
…the creators DO remember that literally every single landmass on Azeroth ever shown used to all be part of the same continent, right?
For a brief moment there I thought there was a French Dragonflight.
I’m picturing just a wine drunk dragon aspect slurring the lyrics to Chanson De L’Oignon, the smell of stale cigarette smoke overwhelms his perfume as he saunters into the meeting late.
The other aspects would be more offended but theyre still waiting on the Italian aspect, who managed to rear end Yu’Lon with his moped and is having a screaming match with him in the Accord parking lot.
“This is why we kept it to just the four for these”
- Kadghar and Wrathion will be important characters in the expansion, along with other returning characters. Tyrande included.
I like how they shoved Tyrande’s name in there at the end, it’s clearly going to be another pointless cameo like in SL, BfA and Legion.
I would be fine with this.
We’ve been following Tyrande around for three expansions now why do we need more of her. Wrathion is alright I guess. Yay for khadgar. Just not too much character soap opera stuff pleeease.
Yeah I had a feeling this would be the case. Like how Y’shaarj was foreshadowed by the Klaxxi after you finished the exalted story chapter.
They did announce one of the big bads for MoP. That being Garrosh. But Y’shaarj was the real big bad though. Along with the Sha of Pride since Pride made the mists.
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I guess so. Maybe tyrande will appear here and there amd thats it
What are you talking?
Legion: khadgar, expect suramar and val’shara tyrande isn’t even in the encounter against elisandre
In bfa we followed most of the time magni,.jaina,.anduin, saurfang and sylvanas
In sl most of the time ebon blade, jaina, thrall, sylvanas
I suspect it has to do with the World Tree seed the Winter queen is gifting her. Perhaps Tyrande needs assistance from the aspects for it to sprout or some such.
Though, I actually noticed Dragon architecture looks very much like that of the Ancient Kaldorei… so that got me wondering if the Kaldorei were inspired by the dragons and copied it.
That’s a bit disappointing. The Huojin/Tushui opposition was great and really fleshed out the differences in identity, aesthetics and philosophy between the respective factions. How can they justify the Dracthyr remaining in the Horde/Alliance once the expansion is over if them joining one or the other is essentially an unreasoned move ?
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It speaks more to how they view faction identity going forward. They likely will keep tearing down faction walls down throughout Dragonflight.
Good. The factions were the worst aspect of MoP and really felt out of place.
Lol no we haven’t. She needs ALOT more screen time before she is as overexposed like Sylvanas, Jaina, and Anduin are.
That’s a shame to me. I’m not asking for constant warfare between the two but the faction dichotomy is what shaped a good portion of this universe. I have literally zero interest in the perspective a unified Azeroth
I think we’re all completely sick of those 3 so let’s say it’s a good thing if she never reaches the screen time heights they were given. She’s been given a LOT of screen time though.