
Yeah! no longer should rogues get the best hunter mogs


Added even more to the list as well :stuck_out_tongue: I got lazy though and stopped at ‘warlock’. Think I made my point well enough.


G’day. Imma Hunta but I’m wearin’ plated boots an’ belt, leatha pants an’ gloves, an’ a cloth tanktop an’ arm wraps.

Oh, an’ me toppa, which is also cloth.

Mog restrictions are dumb an’ arbitrary at best. Get rid of 'em.


You did a great job on those transmogs.
See, that’s what I’m talking about. We can be creative and work around with what we already have, in order to look however we want. So, there is no need to remove the restrictions. :heart:

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Nope. It means that mog restrictions are pointless, and most of those look like trash, but capture the class fantasy I was going for anyway. I look nothing like a DK in any of what I shared and can pass off as any of the above.

I should be able to do it with any mogs, without restrictions, in that case. Because that’s the entire point. Restrictions. are. pointless.

There is no class fantasy.

Nice try.


Hmmm…you’re looking a bit lively for an undead hunter.

Sure. I mean it easy to tell class by it abilities and weapons they use. Rift online (rip) has free class mogs and people know what class is what. On top of that there few addons that tell you the person class without even being near them.

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I haven’t mogged any of the hunter tiers on my toons since, er, tier 5. If you won’t let us mog some of the sick leather mogs, then make some mail armour that isn’t some variety of ‘brown with a skeleton/other form of hunting trophy stuck to it’ or ‘purple tentacle mess with eyeballs everywhere’.

I’ve got three hunters on the US servers and two more on EU, I just want something simple, classical and clean with a texture that actually looks like it might be chain mail!

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Gib hide pants plx. Those racy cutout dresses need to be worn in their full glory.


Eh… I disagree. Kind of takes away a big part of a reason to try a different class.

I think a better solution would be for them to actually put some heart into the mail appearances. Mail gets the short end of the stick whether you’re hunter or shaman. I think we can all agree that the available mail appearances are utter trash in comparison to plate, leather, & cloth. Blizz has to be aware of this, why they dont address it, is beyond me.

My experience would be negatively impacted due to a further reduction in the ability to derive metadata based on the old concept of character silhouette.

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did you really need to say it like that

I’ve suggested this before, but I dont see why they dont just cancel Mail altogether. It never made sense to me why hunters or shamans either one wear mail. Both seem like a class that should wear leather to me. A hunter especially. Shaman seems more like a cloth/leather wearer to me. If they gotta have mail, that seems like something that thematically works better on a warrior or even a rogue as opposed to hunter & shaman.


Right forgot this was GD. Ahem, thing bad and anybody who likes thing is a doodoohead.

well now that’s not enough information, what is the thing

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In your case, I am okay with your experience being negatively impacted.





You are right about something: Mail armor is the worst of all. Hunters have few bad options, old 3-pixel bows, boring HD bows, clipping quiver, ugly crossbows, and the worst of the worst mogs.


Ok, not sure who whizzed in your cereal but you got the enlightenment you were seeking.


I would be okay with Leather, but not cloth.