
Explain why they’re a good thing. Please!


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Your entire transmog is Leather looking. Not a single Mail piece.

But ok. It’s a terrible idea. You’re right. lol


The one restriction they should always keep is armor type. Everything else, lift it.

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But that’s exactly my point. This armor set is only available to people who preordered SL. And many of the heritage armors can be mogged onto any armor class. As long as there are special restrictions there can be some mogs that break the look rule.

… also would you believe me if I said that I never even thought this set is supposed to be Plate? I mean it has a dress…

Honestly one of the reasons I like Final Fantasy 14. I have a tank character that “should” be wearing heavy plate armor, but she is dressed like a desert bandit.

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Looks at her pally closet full of dresses

Yes, I can see how one would think dresses = cloth…


I disagree with this one, as I always have. Like, I get the point but just because mail mogs suck doesn’t mean we should just toss out all fantasy and identity. I’d rather mail just get better mogs.


Hey now, shamans have to share a lot of those xmogs.

…why, exactly? Heritage armor already invalidates that; as do cosmetic sets like Stormwind and Orgrimmar armor.

Again… why, exactly? What harm would be done?


I’d be happy if they would allow players to unlock mogs regardless of class / armor type. I got a lot of rare RP clothes that are no longer obtainable. Yet while I can equip them I cannot mog them. It’s frankly BS, and everyone knows it’s only designed to be a time-sink for players running older stuff.

Stupid decisions like that are what make people just cancel for a month and go to FFXIV.

Exactly. My Alanna’s Embrace made my Male Human Paladin from Classic look FABULOUS. Wish I could use it on my Priest or Mage however. I mean if your going to remove items like that, make them cross-class unlocks ffs. I had 20 Robes of Doan over the years, and I can’t unlock it even.


I feel like this is a bad point to bring up. Heritage armor invalidates this, yes. Because heritage armor instead keeps you looking like your race. It’s an obvious trade-off. You cannot equip heritage armors on other races.


It’ll never happen. :frowning:


Hmmm so everyone wants to be able to mog everything…??? This will definitely have to be reported to the secret forum/discord.

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says the “elf” “paladin” on the “savage” “Horde”


It might! I actually really like season 3 BFA mail, which is saying something. Not to mention, Castle Nathria mail looks really good from what I remember.

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All that does is identify species. ANY class of the given race can wear it.

The point is, class identity by armor type is already out the window. Nothing would be harmed or even greatly changed now by removing the restrictions.


And you’re entitled to that opinion. I disagree all the same. I would much rather fantasy and identity be maintained, not further thrown out the window.

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I think class sets should remain locked to their class.

But with heritage armor, holiday or promotional pieces like the Wendigo, things like the wedding dress or tuxedo, and of course, being able to completely hide everything but pants (hello there, tank wearing only hot pants), it seems like there’s not a solid reason for restricting armor types in general.


…and you’re entitled to that opinion too, but that ship has already sailed.

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Fully support this. Dislike the mog restrictions. Mail gear looks like trash 99% of the time. I’d love to have my hunter at, bare minimum, be able to mogrify leather gear.

But yes, people can already look completely ridiculous. There is no such thing as ‘class’ or ‘race’ fantasy. And those that want to maintain that can certainly do so with their own characters.

But policing others is a big no. We have weapons that can be mogged into fish, and plate wearers that can be in full plate and hide everything but pants.

So yea.