#freefranq - calling out those who know him

It’s ok everyone, Franq is back and we got him a keyboard that whenever he types something with key words in it it zaps him.

Unfortunately for his account he’s into that sorta thing so we’re also getting him backup accounts.

All is good in the world

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Stuff like this makes me really scared. I’m on the same boat as this entire situation and I’ve taken to not even talking in chats outside of my guild because people will report for literally anything and everything.

The best example of how terrible the moderation on this game is that someone scumbaggedly told me that they’re ‘glad my cat died’ on christmas because I was talking about it in chat on christmas day during the Ashran brawl (while leading my team, at that).

I literally sat a 2 week ban because I called someone rude and disgusting for saying that to me.

The first thing they need to do is screenshot the entire chat for contextual analysis. It’s abundantly clear that they do NOT log ANYTHING beyond what the reported player is saying. So being baited into saying anything ‘offensive’ no matter how small is a pathetic reality.



What was your cat’s name

Snuggles. She got cancer in November after a prior scare in August metastasizing from another part of her body onto her jawbone. She passed on Christmas and it basically ruined Christmas for me last year due to it.


Has he tried this?

Sorry about your cat. :sob:

Poor snuggles :frowning: pets are supposed to live forever but they keep messing that up

If someone deserves a ban though it was that person

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I gotta ask; why do you do this? A 2800 player running premades to the tune of 43 stomps in a row; what do you get out of it? I can tell you it’s absolutely awful to play against.

Every time I see a premade stacked like this I picture NBA players crashing a high school basketball game just to dunk on them and score 50pts each. What’s the driver here?

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because its a new class and i like playing with friends

just because i’m good at the game doesn’t mean i can’t do easy/fun content


I just mean in general, I don’t really care about the new class part - I get that. Why relentlessly stomp random casuals over and over dozens if not hundreds of times? Especially knowing each time you are just ruining the experience of everyone else in the server (or certainly the losers, I imagine some enjoy free carries - at least when you don’t double stack 10).

I understand playing with friends is fun, but at what point does it become detrimental to the game? Appreciating that CR is not necessarily the best measurement of skill, it just seems a group of 5-10 duelists to… glads? stacking a team with comms against randoms from casual/boosted gear to… maybe one rival? And no comms comes across more like deliberately bullying strangers for sport.

And in fairness, using my NBA player analogy from before, if they kept showing up to high school pickup games I’d call them bullies as well (and maybe you’re not! It does kinda come across that way though)

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Because it’s fun and a nice relaxing break from ranked. :dracthyr_love_animated:

10 is pretty overkill, lol


this pretty much

i wouldn’t disagree that its bullying, but nothing is stopping those players from getting a 5 man group and i don’t particularly care about ruining someones day by being better at pvp than them

Of course it’s fun! I played laser tag with my kid’s friends the other day and obliterated them - nearly 300 kills and the top twelve year old had 27. And trust me I was giggling my butt off the entire time. But by round two a feeling crept in that maybe it wasn’t so fun for the kids so I resigned and let them play.

You never have that feeling? Capping 1500-0 and the enemy team not getting a kill? Never?

not really, i’ve done the same in paintball at my 14 year old cousins bday party lol

enemy players in randoms might as well be npcs to me, i have no connection to them. not really the same as an irl game

Nah, not really. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Hey man thank you for being honest - usually this place is gaslight city but I actually appreciate you shooting it straight. I do want you to sit on a tack but I can respect the honest reply

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Like, it can get boring if that’s all you’re doing, but most of the people I’ve met are pretty normal and keep things in moderation.

That’s just it though, at what point does queuing alone without friends become detrimental to your gameplay experience? You know it’s gonna suck if you don’t have friends, why not queue with some?

The best part of grouping with others is going up against other premades. It honestly does get boring when you go 10 games in a row without any actual competition. Wish more people would stop complaining about premades and do some themselves and have some fun

Why not just RBG then? That’s exactly what you’re describing wanting - organized premades of equal skill. The game has this mode built for you, you just need to queue.

It’s not even close to the same. I don’t queue a 10 stack. Here is my RBG experience:

Have 9 players in a group
Waiting for guardian druid

fast forward 10 minutes to an hour later and the group falls apart without playing any games

When we’re in the height of the season we love doing yolos. After 2 months RBGs die unless you have 10 people all on at the same time with a viable comp

Playing with 1-4 friends is not the same as running RBGs

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