Freedom of speech

Freedom of speech is not the argument to make here. Because the law doesn’t apply. Blizzard is not the government. The TOS is what you have to worry about here kiddo.


Freedom of speech isn’t freedom of consequence.


You’re fishing for an argument and I don’t want to give you one, Ms. Sassy.

Blizzard will not suspend your account based on something you wrote on Truth Social.


Yeah, this could likely blow up, if certain forum goers stop in.

Might be worth a popcorn watch though.


what about stuff said in private messages? should people be banned for that?

No you shouldn’t be banned for something you said off of Blizzard’s platform.

Not a freedom of speech issue - as that relates to the government not private entities - but I think companies shouldn’t be punishing people for what they do outside their jurisdiction.

EDIT: There appears to be a LOT of context left out for this, so I’ll leave this here.


Indeed. The esports team will absolutely have a contract to make sure that their team isn’t saying or doing stuff they deem inappropriate.

And now we get the real details…

It really doesn’t.


Just to summarize OPs misrepresentation of the event

No, blizzard won’t suspend you for saying stuff on another website cuz its not their website

Yes, an organization can let you go because you constantly say stuff they tell you to stop posting cuz its connected to them



Unless your being sponsored by said company but thats a whole different deal

Enlarging for emphasis! /thread


nah thats stupid… wow should be on one side, everything else on the other side.
The rules for wow and its forums apply to its own territory, what happens outside of that said territory is of no concern to wow and blizzard

Ok actually went and looked into and if anything he got off easy Blizzard should of taken action and permanently suspended his account then mailed him an application for Mc Donalds.

You guys have to remember, if you’re free to say what you want, people are free to respond how they please.

Like I always tell people that say things like “I’m an A-hole, and proud of it!”. . .

“Don’t be surprised when people treat you like an A-hole then”


“what garbage am i saying? i’m just asking a question, i am not here to troll or whatever you might think, i am not saying the person name because i think its againts the forum rules”

Discussing discipinary action taken against a player is against the forum code of conduct and yet here you are…

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Yeah whilst looking into it Twitch took action and he got booted out of the Esports team meaning his career is pretty much over and after all that he continued to double down.

What do I search for to find this?

welp, at least i did not insult people, i asked a question, got my answer and now i am going to move out to other stuff

and to the people who flagged me, all i can say is lol

I mean… it really can be seen as trolling.


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