Freedom of speech

well anything is probably seen as trolling in this forum

Eh… yes and no. But when you start a thread with “Freedom of speech,” which is always a hot button buzz phrase around here… you kind of have to expect to get flagged for that. Granted, I didn’t do the flagging, but it is a troll phrase used regularly around here.


I just searched up “WoW Esports” on Twitter and top result was said streamer.


I wouldn’t go that far, but it is misused a lot in these forums and other places.

Ah, I don’t use Twitter, so that may be why I wasn’t finding it on Google. lol Thank you!

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You were trolling and the guy your talking about got in trouble last year for supporting a Misogynist, this year during Pride Month of all times he decided to be Transphobic even making a quote tweet recommending a documentary by very controversial right wing figures that contains illegal material of children.

He crossed the line and he’s now facing the consequences he got what he deserved and it doesn’t take a genius to realise that.


Oh oof I saw the whole thing.

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Was he banned from the game, from competing in the event, or both?

Personally, I don’t think someone should be banned, fired, or anything of the sort if what they say – whatever it may be – is spoken outside the temporal, physical or digital confines of the space issuing the action. The only exception being cases wherein permitting such a person to remain would constitute a clear, eminent threat to those around them, like a kindergarten teacher outed as a predator, or someone actively issuing actual threats to a person or people’s lives whom host or are in attendance at the venue.
The alternative is too totalitarian for my tastes. Too much power in the people’s kangaroo court means alternative opinions and perspectives suffer despite any verity they possess. And suppressing negative opinions, as opposed to confronting them, is only ever sure to engender others to the exact opposite of your cause.

Hath this documentary a name?

On General Discussion, you don’t really have to be that interesting, either.

And yet, still more than this thread could muster. :dracthyr_shrug:

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Yeah it was worse then I was expecting like got to him supporting a certain Misogynist who got roasted by a young climate change activist and stopped digging like it’s a nasty rabbit hole

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i think people should be able to say what they want and people should also be able to form their own opinions about others.

idk. i would try not to judge an entire persons life just off something they said, unless it was like something obviously flat out evil.

the good thing is… if some1 says something we dont like… we dont have to hang out with them, and we have like ten million diff ways to ignore people. so idk.

me personally i just never understood this extreme crackdown on verbal warfare.

back in the day thats what made online gaming so great. i played a game called ut2004 and u could voicechat the enemy team. it made for some epic trash talk and epic moments. man those were the days. now every1 is a little sissy srs

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Yuh a name I’m not going to state because it would break forum rules.

Free speech only applies to government overreach with many exceptions. Can’t yell “fire” in a crowded room, whatnot.

That same right doesn’t really apply to corporations or other private entities. Which is, frankly, quite BS.

You should be able to voice concerns about a hot topic without a misguided mob with pitchforks yelling “BURN THE WITCH!”

I hate to use this, but cancel culture (bleh) is a real phenomenon. People are itching to make themselves look morally superior by drowning out speech that makes them uncomfortable.

We either need a blanket free speech right that disallows silencing people… or a complete crackdown on all types of discourse. And not in the way more than half of you are hoping for.

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You can say what ever you want thats freedom of speech what comes next is consequences lol

You can, if there is a fire. The restriction comes from a call to action that would unnecessarily harm someone.

It’s because it is their platform, their property. You don’t have a right to their space.

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Be it posed as a question? As in, is that the form the title of it takes? Or does it contain a slur of some kind?
I can guess, but I have no way of knowing for sure just what documentary is being talked about with this Voldemort-tier name aversion. And I no idea how to search twitter without an account.

Edit: So it was the one I figured it to be.
I’ve already watched it, or some appreciable part of it, before, but it’s been a minute. I don’t recall there being any illegal material of children therein when last I watched, but it may have changed or I may simply not remember correctly. In either case the only way to know for sure and verify such a claim as you’ve made is to sit through it.

Anyone have a link?

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Freedom of speech doesn’t apply to a company and its own ToS and/or CoC that you agree to follow.

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100% disagree. You’re suggesting, whether on purpose or not, that my private home should allow freedom of speech. That would mean that anyone on MY property is allowed to yell and scream anything they want and I’m not allowed to kick them off my property.

You sure you want that? I’m guessing you’re not FOR that :wink:


You were and seems you very much care.

No they most definitely are not controversial among exclusively American “leftists”.

It’s a Transphobic Dog Whistle commonly used by a certain extremist I refuse to name using it on the forums would 100% not end well.