Freedom of speech

Those are some of the most interesting kind of posts…not because of the troll but the conversations that people have. :yum:


You have to actually say something interesting enough to get people talking first.

You’ve failed to do that. Go back to school, kid.

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:ice_cube: :peach:

Freeze peach


i am not trolling, someone got banned from wow esport because of stuff he said on twitter

but…you’re talking to me …right now…

How can you hold someone hostage? They /dismount – what are you going to do :smile:

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And you find this interesting?

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I find you sassy. I like you.

what garbage am i saying? i’m just asking a question, i am not here to troll or whatever you might think, i am not saying the person name because i think its againts the forum rules

And leaving out information, apparently.

No idea what you’re talking about but based purely on this statement, getting kicked off an esports team and getting banned from the game are two very different things.

And neither have anything to do with “freedom of speech”, as paying attention in government class should have taught you.


Free Hong Kong says hello.

Guess I’ll find out if I get silenced for saying that, hah.


It can keep saying it because it still has nothing to do with free speech. Blizzard has the right to control what is broadcast on their channels and represented by their company.

Like I said, go back to school.


Well, considering the guy had multiple warnings and continued to double down

The organization that hired him was 100% within their right to let him go

Absolutely did it himself


and my question still remains and you can’t even answer without trying to insult others wich is a really poor argument

Personally I say lol you get what you deserve :dracthyr_lulmao:

Like really not that hard to be a good person :dracthyr_shrug:

Context makes it even better and I agree if he was saying that kinda stuff should of been entirely use him to make a point that such behaviour will not be tolerated.


Oh boy. I can tell we are not going to come to an accord on this.

free speech is a thing that only really applies to the government not being able to punish you for what you say about them. Ie: you can say you hate the government all you want but so long as you aren’t making credible threats to its saftey you’re allowed to say it.

This does not apply to private entities that have the right to associate with whom they wish to associate with. While there’s certainly a point to be made that banning those who express views opposite to ones own is not in the spirit of free speech, it still isn’t against the law.


Yeah, you don’t really seem to be capable of thinking this through.

Entered the thread earlier and now realizing how the thread is going


They suggested the owner should be “locked out” and not able to move. It’s under brutosaur solution or something like that. It’s gotta be a troll. If not they are so self-absorbed they’re going to implode in on themselves like a blackhole. Lol