Freedom of speech

All I’ll say is that all either side’s mainstream politicians cares about is whatever is a “key issue” for their party’s base demographic. Their position on these issues is whatever will get them the most votes so that they can get elected to the house, take positions on the committees that they want in order to be in a position to influence the stock market toward whatever companies they put their money in. Then make enough deals behind closed doors to have a job after their term with one of the companies that they just so happened to give a tax break to.

I legitimately can’t tell which side is which in your description


The party making bans on what you can wear, what you can read, what you can watch, and what you can call yourself is the less government party?

Isnt the only thing they involve themselves in less stuff that requires more involvement, such as any food or safety standards?


You know that’s a landmine response right?

They instantly respond with what about cases of X, Y, and Z.

I just find it comically sad that we live in a world now that if you identify as a democrat or a republican it means you 100% agree and support all stances on issues that figureheads in those parties support.

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deleted the post of peoples were angry you know who

Yep, and that’s the sad part.

just googled it, and its at 177mn views on twitter.

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you can disagree with your party and still hold most fundamental values of said party. i vote blue. i 100% disagree with my party’s stance on guns.

and if they ever try to take mine, it will be a very bloody day. i was a Marine infantryman. i have seen what happens to unarmed populations, firsthand, and i’ll not allow that to happen to me.

No, but more than a few worked towards banning the abortion even if the woman was forced to be pregnant


well, republicans keep restricting access to birth control, too, so…


You have every right to pretend. You can pretend to be a man or women, but I also have every right to not pretend. Lying to children is evil. You will get what you deserve.

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Interesting how everyone always wants everything they agree with to be considered a right and everything they disagree with “doesn’t count” :thinking:

Oh I’m sorry… did you just tell me I’m evil?

And yeah I’ve seen first hand what happens when a unarmed population is targeted by a government and armed militia groups while in Darfur for 4 years as a contractor.

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So we should go over there and enforce our laws? We already tried that

Yeah, I missed Blizz’s solution to that, when they decided then that people should be allowed to speak their opinions. Now, they’ve reverted that decision (even before whatever incident this is, happened).

oh wow, I could see if it was an employee leaking game development stuff. Otherwise, none of their business. They need to concentrate on treating their employees good, and stop being slobs

“The party making bans on what you can wear” like wearing a mask? They ban books that lie to children, Lying to children is evil.

“Isnt the only thing they involve themselves in less stuff that requires more involvement, such as any food or safety standards?” Ya we want to abolish the epa, fda, all of that. Let the market regulate itself.

masks were a public safety issue, not a free speech issue, but leave it to a republican to confuse the two.

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I can tell which part is supposed to be which one, at least when looking at it from a perspective based on reality and people’s actions … but everything has been 'both-side’d to such a degree in terms of rhetoric its impossible to tell

Which is kinda how it isn’t a ‘both sides’ thing, but one also can’t take any other stance realistically - regardless, this isn’t a forum for that, but it is a shame regardless


Yes, because you know those blue-haired liberals and the way that they’re infamous for carrying out mass shootings and making major inroads towards making it illegal to be cis.

Here’s a hint - follow the links. Anyone who seriously thinks that “both sides are the same” needs to broaden their sources of news beyond sites like