Freedom of speech

You should have probably watched the movie, but instead you choose to make uneducated claims based upon what others have said about it.

Yeah I’m ignoring that one guy lol

i call it “The Echo Chamber of Hate.”

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Fun fact about the Bill of Rights:

Madison was categorically opposed to adding them as amendments, since he felt they were implicit from the wording of the Constitution.

I can’t help but wonder how American history might have evolved differently had Jemmy not been strong-armed by worry worts in the states who insisted they be added explicitly as amendments.

Can’t we all just get along? :frowning:

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I mean, considering that they’re explicitly stated and we still somehow find a need to “interpret them” I can’t imagine it would have gone well.

Both sides are equally terrible. Just in different ways.

Now… what would be the fun in that?
It’s our peaceful civil disagreements that make us stronger as a people.
The temper tantrums just annoy us.

Not necessarily. I think much more of the debate would have been pushed to the state level.

This makes me sad.

Wasn’t it the 13th or 14th amendment that changed that? Basically said the state governments had to adhere to the bill of rights too?

You believe that Blizzard should ban you for saying this, no?

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i can’t recall a democrat ever cutting funding to the veterans’ administration.

republicans do that. and now, because its so underfunded, my dad, a 20 year veteran of the air force and former fighter pilot, can’t get the help he needs.

if democrats had their way, the world would still be a decent place to live. if republicans had their way, the world would be a post apocalyptic wasteland, stripped of all resources in the name of profit.

its a good video, even if you disagree with it ignoring and silencing and trying to shut people down for not thinking their way is not very progressive. in this inevitably soon to be globalist world we need to understand and agree to disagree on many things and need to know every viewpoint whether personal political religious because you cannot make everyone agree on everything that is not possible. when i was younger they said video games were demonic now they promote it. im against banning speech and viewpoints even if i disagree with them. the world isnt fair.

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Nah. They are both terrible. Both sides want total control of the people, and would rob any of us blind without a second thought. Personally, I decided to opt out of choosing any side at all. We shouldn’t have to pick our poison every 4 years.

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both sides are corrupt if you look into their backrounds most of them went to the same schools aka top schools. they go to the same parties live in the same ways they dont care about us they desire power.

You’re so close to attaining truth but you fell into the partisan trap. oh well

Wanting less government involvement in my life means I’m evil? Pay off your student loans first then make a reply please

you want less government in your life… but don’t have a problem interjecting government into other people’s lives because they exercise their freedom in a way that makes you uncomfortable.

republicans force women to give birth to babies they can’t afford and then cut funding to all the programs meant to help that mother clothe and feed the baby she was forced to birth. so yes, republicans are evil.

Yes, on the one hand you have people who get miffed about people being offensive by a sometimes vague metric and wanting to not platform people and companies who say and do things that they don’t agree with with a sometimes uncertain path for genuine apology and repentance.

And on the other hand you have people who want to jail, prosecute, dehumanize, shoot, “destroy” and dismantle the fundamental rights of people that they don’t agree with.

Both sides bad, in exactly the same amounts.