Freedom of speech

I also feel like theft isn’t a great example because the person stealing doesn’t have a right to the goods they’re stealing so there’s no conflict between the shop owner’s rights to the goods being infringed upon by the individual’s theft

i love florida’s laws i hate the heat, i love the cold.

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redditors aren’t men, bigot.

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Again, you’re thinking of the first amendment. Just because free speech in a non-government-run forum is not protected by the first amendment doesn’t mean that there isn’t an ethical discussion to be had about what role corporations should play in limiting consumers’ expression


Omg yes! I have to have a dry margaritas but hey I would be ok with that.

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Well nice of you to at least confirm theres not much going on upstairs


i love the cold but i hate the wind it brings
cuts through the thickest clothing we have

well he is undead so …

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I actually picked that example for exactly that reason, to try and make it as objective a situation as I could. No one’s actual right’s being trampled on, just plain’ ol’ theft. lol. It did not work as intended.

that isn’t free speech. that is regulated speech.

your idea of free speech is speech without consequences, and that doesn’t happen anywhere in the world.

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It was

The thing he retweeted wasn’t a documentary but yes, the transphobic propaganda he retweteeted was him sharing and promoting bigotry

I mean… I could make the assumption that you aren’t trolling but that would just leave you as a bigot, so I assume you want to be referred to as a troll (well, not really - since you are trolling you just want a reaction so eh, here you go)

“The private is political”, sorry but every well known and trusted philosophical thinker of the 21st century disagrees with you

Blizzard have the right to use other public displays as evidence if they want, much like any other company can, since at the end of the day we all agreed to that Blizzard can terminate our accounts for any reason they want but in the case of Maldiva they had a specific clause of what type of displays whilst affiliated with them they would permit

Sorry but, ‘not being a bigot’ is hardly an unreasonable request of someone


Haha! I would upvote your comment so damn much right now if you weren’t just a troll because damn that was funny! xD

Not quite.
Regulated speech would be speech which falls outside of the protections afforded by the first amendment and is regulated by the government.
Free speech is the right to express yourself without censorship.
ETA: If speech is not free from consequence, then it’s not free.

Yikes. I’m not touching this one even with a ten-foot pole.

You’re talking about “What is a Woman?”
The hit documentary, streaming now on twitter and once available exclusively on the Daily Wire?

You have the right to use that ten-foot pole to defend yourself :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

which is why free speech is a myth.

I would say it’s more of an Ideal than a myth (in the Platonic sense)

Lmao maybe in certain circles

that love having their bubble reinforced


I wondered how this thread was still alive, and the quick glance I’ve had at it makes me feel like I need a shower.

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