Freedom of speech

modern ban worthy or 2004 ban worthy.

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I mean, there was the part where he was banned for a while last year for selling RMT arena carries. He also broke his contract, and was released from it.

There’s a saying about messing around and finding out that applies.

Sure, it could. At that point people would in fact need to decide if they want to keep paying for their accounts or not, not unlike anyone who subscribes to literally anything, or regularly purchases any goods or services :woman_shrugging:


You said that the company has a right to prosecute you for larceny. They do not.

I know you are trolling so let’s just cut to the chase here:

  1. Maldiva used his platform to spread transphobic rhetoric
  2. Spreading transphobic rhetoric does constitute as hate speech and in general hateful conduct
  3. This is commonly referred to as ‘bigotry’ (something I can add he hasn’t stopped with even having gotten the email)
  4. Said hate speech and/or hateful conduct (or ‘bigotry’) is against the rules he agreed to

And that is the part with which I take issue. And it’s not just the ToS. See: streaming/subscription services adding/removing things for which you paid because you don’t “own it” according to their terms.

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if its transphobic or not blizzard makes the rules and what they consider banable or not is not ours to debate.

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because he retweeted a documentary?

Retweeting a documentary is hate speech? It wasn’t Evropa or the Greatest Story Never Told

I actually don’t understand how you guys get any pushback at all and cry Ismicist and still get taken seriously.


Everything is ours to debate. Whether it matters to them is another thing, and whether we’re allowed to do it here is yet another. But you can always debate almost anything you want somewhere

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Imagine ruining your career cuz you can’t resist being a tool online

The dream


On the other hand, Streisand effect in full swing, someone who thought streamers were a cancer might decide to follow one if they’re ideologically aligned, like voting for an orange guy because reasons.
I can’t imagine theres that much money to be made in wow streaming anymore unless youre endowed with certain physical characteristics, and he does not have them.

Now make that book one of the titles they’ve started pushing on elementary school kids that depicts graphic sexual acts and then apply that same Miller Test. One extreme political faction would argue it has political value and therefore passes that test. What options would that shop owner have then?

Thing is, this isn’t a case of freedom of speech, though there are strong arguments for it being obscene. No, this is actually a case of being a public disturbance and the shopkeeper has every right to eject them from their property and, frankly, the police would have every right to arrest them even if they were doing it on a public sidewalk.

These are minor charges but the point is you are not allowed to just annoy the hell out of everyone around you just because you feel entitle to do so, at least not in public. Who you annoy at home is of course your own business.

there is only one way to force free speech and ban rules against it is through through making laws. when it came to china they didnt allow alot of things had laws against them so blizzard were forced to comply and made changes. so if we want to ban or allow things only through legal force with laws can we force change in companies sadly this is all we can do. or a boycott on the level done to bud light.

I do think it’s hilarious that on May 16 they tweeted:
"Wanted to apologize to everyone about the conversations I chose to have on Twitch and Twitter.

I need to have better self control and stop engaging in controversial conversations."
And then did not in fact do that lmao


Lets go to Florida for vacation, fren!

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Ah. That is true and I had responded to someone else’s clarification on that already. It is the government that moves forward with the prosecution of the crime. But it’s still on behalf of upholding the store’s right to not be at constant threat from potential customers with sticky fingers. I guess I’m sucking at words today since I’ve had to retype this so many times and am still not getting thoughts through coherently.

Let me remphasis my point since you don’t seem to have understood it:
None of what you just said is relevant … and most of it is even wrong so I will just touch on one thing that best summaries it all:

A country’s laws are going to supercede the policys of a company
If that policy is against the law, the country’s laws will supercede the policys of the company

And yes, Blizzard has been threatened with legal action unless they followed the laws in the company they were and still are operating in
You having friends and playing different games doesn’t change that if you accept, you accept - if your country has refund laws, if they apply in your situation you can get a refund, and if you don’t want to accept terms of conditions … then you don’t get to play

And that’s the simple truth of it all
Welcome to capitalism

The vast majority of the highest paid streamers are men

Good job with the “wamen streamers” comment though, tells alot about yourself


I love Florida man, lots of reptiles, scuba diving off the keys, palm trees and stuff. Never had a bad experience down there


you do not enjoy freedom of speech on a private company’s forums.

freedom of speech in the united states only means the government cannot lock you up for speaking out against its policies. that’s it. you have zero protection beyond that. ask any lawyer.

“I don’t know anything about economics but i browse /r marxism sometimes”
Central bank lincoln state banks small hats.
We need Andrew Jackson and Smedley Butler to come back from the grave to fix this mess.

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