Free xfers from high to low are needed now

Yes I know you are pretending to be worried about the ‘other guy’. But it really comes down to you want a FREE transfer off because of unknown reasons.

Thanks for solidifying that you don’t understand a single thing happening right now. Those servers will die sooner without xfers period. No ands. No ifs. No buts. Why would I reroll onto those servers knowing they will die as most people won’t leave their characters

I’m so hip. I said “LOL REROLL NOOB” I’m so edgy and cool. I can take your legitimate concerns and crap on it because I’m leg1t nerds…But for come reason, I’m still afk logged in with a water-bird pecking my spacebar…

You are making the assumption that absolutely no more players will start playing. There really is no basis for that considering people have stated they won’t start playing until the second week or so to miss most of the crowds.

You’re doing your best

Ok so they do free server transfers… How many you think will leave the streamer server.

go ahead…

give me a rough estimate.

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I love how people just get it in their head that the ONLY deciding factor to playing a server was the single individual and not the entire guild that came together from Live to Classic. We have 20 something people and offering a free server xfer would do one of two things, allow our entire guild to shift over or enough people might shift that day that we can stay where we are and be alright.

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“support” forum.
get it?
not, “be a @$*!” forum.

Are you looking for the Support forum?
It’s here:

Up to the point blizzard offers paid transfers. I would be very surprised they offer free ones prior to offering paid transfers.

In the time they added enough servers though, like within the first day, they could easily have rerolled to them without losing any significant progress whatsoever.

Imagine a company trying to fix the mess they made, while asking for no additional money from their customers.

Blizzard won’t do it because apparently players losing all their progress and having to start over again is an acceptable solution.

You’re full of it. I tried to log into pagle today with a 80 minute que time.

Look at all those 0’s, yet people are still complaining about queues.

He said they rolled on Westfall and it has no queue…

I’m making a basis that a lot less people will be playing later on and I can draw this conclusion off the last 10 years of every wow expansion and new mmo that has been released.
It’s time to learn kiddo

Im all for it! Unlikely as it would be, what percentage would actually transfer?

Probably under 10% of people waiting in queues…maybe 50-60 people per server, tops? I could be wrong.

Once the higher pop servers loosened up, I’m guessing some people would reroll (assuming unable to transfer from low to full) on to the more populated servers.

The solution sounds like, “look, over there!” While you sneak onto the life boat.

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No doubt.


How did they create the mess ? They warned people repeatedly to move off of full servers.