Free Wen Lo mount - Winner has been Selected!

I will 100% gift a random person Wen Lo and the rules are simple enough and I will pick the winner based off the best story provided! (If you win and have Wen Lo you can pick a store mount of your choosing)

Tell me in as much detail as you want your Favorite wow moment you personally had. Be it in the world, with a friend, a loved one, a guild, a quest, your worst fail or best victory, it can be something dark, edgey whatever you want. Something that made you walk away and go ‘wow’ and that moment still lives in you even if its just a memory now.

From any Exp from then to now. Let’s hear those stories! I will pick a winner Tuesday 2/2/22 in the afternoon sometime. Best of luck!

I will give an example of one of mine: Was Burning crusade and I was in the guild DPS - Deep into black temple right before the Council fight we Had a paladin healer say “I need to go afk real quick” and this was the days of Ventrilo (do people still use that? lol) And we waited…and waited…and waited and suddenly he came back and said “Guys I gotta go I think my wife called the cops on me” And he Dced…and we never saw him again. At the time we all cracked up but to this day no idea what happened to him…Regardless it stuck with us - We all laughed, all got concerned, and had to call the raid because we lacked a back up healer.

Oh yeah this is for American realm players only by the way.

I would like the winner to snap a photo (with or without me!) and post it when one is selected!


One of my favorites from many years ago. I’d just gotten the Time-Lost drake, and as luck would have it, six weeks later I happened across it again. I tagged it, and called my wife to let her know so she could get it. It took her upwards of 10 minutes to log in, group, and fly out to me, and the whole time I was trying like hell not to kill it, while in abject terror that an Alliance player was going to come and try to gank me, in which case I’d have to kill the drake on principle so he didn’t get it. Fortunately, she made it out there in time and got her mount.


bump as i posted this super late last night.

I’ll bump this one or two more times and if no real interest I’ll just delete (need more then one entry!)

During Legion I was playing as a Paladin and I was questing out in Suramar with pvp enabled. There I was… minding my own business fighting a rare when a night elf demon hunter came out of nowhere (jk there was a flight path close by) and starting attacking me.

Big big mistake. Now I don’t pvp at all truthfully but I felt untouchable on my Paladin. So we go at it… sort of… I started beating him pretty fast. I don’t think he had very much gear or something.

And then not even 10 seconds after initiating mortal kombat the dh started to run! I wasn’t about to let him get away with that and ran after him.

Ran after him right off a cliff.

And I watched as I plummeted towards the ground as the guy glided off to victory. Lol

I was so stunned at what just happened that I forgot to bubble and died.

This memory always makes me laugh at myself. :joy_cat: what a derp.


One of my best memories of WoW, just because it made me laugh so hard, happened in Cata.

I was leveling my 84 DK in the Twilight Highlands. Blood DKs were still very OP so I rounded up like 10 quest mobs on the beach. I’m just about to start mowing them down when out of no where a male human Paladin drops out of the sky.

He’s 85, I’m 84 with like 10 mobs on me, so I thought “Well I’m done for. I’m going out in a blaze of glory!” So I start attacking him and the mobs on me with my AOE. I started to realize that I was winning. I couldn’t believe it that his guy hadn’t killed me yet so I started trying harder. I got all the mobs killed and then I killed him.

I started lmao partly because I’m so bad at pvp but mostly because I had actually found someone worse than me. Then I started laughing even harder because I could just imagine him thinking he saw an easy kill and now he was probably furious.

I didn’t hang around to try to kill him again or make taunting emotes. I figured he was probably embarrassed and I probably wouldn’t be so lucky the next time. To this day I still snicker at that memory.

Not trying to double dip or anything, just figured I would tell another funny story.

In Wrath the guild I was in was progressing through ToTC. We were all pretty good friends and loved to have a laugh. One in the Mages in our group whispered me after we downed the angel thingys and said “Tovi… turn on Path of Frost.”

I was in. This was an amazing idea. As soon as the Lich King broke the floor, I smashed my Path of Frost button. Everyone but my Mage friend died, even me, because I couldn’t stop laughing. My guild lead was yelling at me in Vent, everyone was like “gd Tovi.”

I said “sorry, sorry I won’t do it again. Down to business.” Then I get another whisper. “Tovi… turn on Path of Frost.”

I killed everyone a second time :smiling_imp:

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When WoW launched in 2004, I was so excited. While waiting for the game to come out, a friend and me did all our research in what class and race to play. We decided to both start as night elves (so we could play together, as we didn’t know how hard it would be for different races to meet). He chose hunter, I chose warrior (this same one, actually!).

After leveling our way through teldressil, and then darkshore, we were finally high enough level to venture in dangerous territory! You see, up until that point, the game made it very clear that we were in alliance territory, so we didnt need to worry about about being attacked by horde. But as we made our way to our next zone, Ashenvale, the quests and game mentioned that we were leaving the safety of alliance controlled zones, and to be wary. We hadn’t ever seen a horde character up to that point, so it felt scary and dangerous. During our next play session, it was off to ashenvale!

After spending some time there, our quests eventually led us to the warsong lumber camp. We had also gotten a quest to kill some necromancer in another zone, but the only way we could figure to get to it was through warsong.

As we approached the lumber camp, I saw orcs running around for the first time, their names bright red, with that horde logo by their portrait! You see, I thought warsong lumber camp was an actual horde town, and the orcs running around were actual horde players! (We had no idea how pvp or alliance/horde interactions worked yet, as the game had just come out). Thinking the orcs were all players, we knew we were outnumbered, but we really wanted to get by. We figured we’d try to sneak pass them by hiding in bushes and using shadowmeld, and wait for the cd to refresh :joy:. It took us FOREVER, but we eventually made it to the other side. Victory! We were both so pumped at having both Solid Snaked our way through a whole town of horde players undetected!

I still remember that night, 18 years later, the first time (we thought) we had ever come across enemy horde players, and successfully evading them all, against all odds!

Looking back, I feel really silly and naive to think those were horde players, but it really makes me think back to when this brand new game, world of warcraft, was still full of wonder, with something unknown or special around each corner.

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I’ve had all the usual newbie moments that I still remember fondly on but one thing stands out. Not a noob moment but a rather wholesome one.

Back in Legion I was on area-52, and asked about herbalism and making gold… I had a few replies but one stood out that seemed to be talkative.

So over a period of a week in small bits of time at a time, that person added me to his Guild… gave me access to his Guild Bank. I peaked and saw the full bank, all tabs, full of Legion flasks, fish/food, mats, herbs… and almost a million in Gold.

He started giving me a few tips but told me to open trade, gave me a couple hundred thousand in gold… I thought it was a trick but waited 'till he accepted to send so I accepted and began to thank him.

Later he tells me that he wants to give me the stuff in the guild bank and the gold in it. [I was totally shocked] but we chatted for a bit.

He ended up saying after I asked… why he was being so nice to me and he said he was playing too much, was getting help for an illness and while I was lucky to have been there at the right time, he said someone helped him when he was starting out in the game and he was just paying it forward.

It’s still something that stuck in my memory 'till this day several yrs later.


/Rising sun kick to the top. Good stuff and reads so far!

By the way not sure if I mentioned this but this is also open to horde and alliance players alike.

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Hunting rate pets from Petopia.

Oh, Echeyakee.

Oh, Humar the Pridelord.

Oh, Spirit-beasts, we miss thee.

Most give-a-ways take a while to get more people… so don’t think people aren’t interested, just is a hit or miss with stuff on this forum at least.

I may not win but I say this genuinely that people like you, grimoire and grizzle, others who did something like this or other positive stuff is very cool and welcomed!

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Oh I don’t think that :slight_smile: I just know these forums move threads quick so wanna keep it bumped up best I can to give everyone a fair chance and shot. But as of right now enough people did reply that I could pick a winner I will still wait to Tuesday to give everyone a chance who is interested! I just want to make sure everyone who might think they need not apply not, anyone can enter!

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My favorite wow moment was back when Arathi was all the rage with bots.

I hunted bots down like Dexter Morgan for fun!
This was also when GM’s really did take interest in finding them and would join you to examine them.

I will start doing this again soon as it was an old favorite hobby of mine years ago.

I would say one of the best moments has been meeting people and doing content together. :smiley: For example, I was in a party to farm the Huolon mount. While we were waiting for the spawn, we would talk about collecting, transmog, and other WoW stuff. Having a conversation helped pass the time, and I was able to meet new people. :sunny:

Ok just making sure 'cause Grimoire seemed a little disappointed with the amount entering. Anyways guess this is a bump but kudos and gl to everyone entering, it is fun reading the experiences.

I’d probably suggest a title change if you decide you’d like more entries. I wouldn’t have noticed this as it gets cut off fairly early on the title on mobile.

I’m waiting for the day when someone announces a giveaway for both spectral tiger mounts.

I’ll be calling in sick that day and ordering doordash for the show.

Title has been adjusted and made shorter.

If I could Afford the Spectral tiger mounts I would clearly be a rich person, if that was the case I would gladly do that because money wouldn’t be an object LOL

When I first started I was a RAF with my friend.

One day he was in Tanaris when I logged in so he ported me down there. I got the flight point (as you always get that first!). We did some questing then I ported home. The next day I decided to fly down there. Keep in mind that I had never seen Dustwalllow Marsh, or Thousand Needles (before it got flooded) before. As I was flying through the Needles I was stunned at how beautiful it was.

Another one was during Noblegarden (again I was a new player) and my friend and I went crazy getting the chocolates etc. The guildleader’s wife laughed at us for doing this. That is until we got the Noble title - which she didn’t have - and she tried for a bit then made her husband work on one of her toons until she get it.

Ah, fun times.

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