Free transfers made Whitemane the go-to Classic Era PvP server. Why not include its whole cluster?

Showing my support for needing Blizzard Developer intervention and Response on the matter. Thanks for the link Holsüm!

I also feel Despitebeing’s idea is the best of the solutions and would preserve people’s ‘server pride/history’ that many players have to certain realms I’ve found, tho not me personally.

(In regards to U.S. Realms) Connect all the PvP realms as one cluster, and all the PvE realms as one cluster IMHO. This way if the population ever substantially explodes by some miracle, it’s not difficult to reverse engineer it back to how it was to support a greater population.

This also resolves the server issue of Conflicting Faction, posted about here:

Then it’s just addressing the still outstanding issue of PvE to PvP transferring restrictions being removed as well, posted about here:

As for the ‘Naw-sayers’ The PvE to PvP NO LONGER APPLIES with:

  • clustered realms that already circumvent the intent of this already
  • retail allowing cross faction grouping
  • the dire state of classic era population COMBINED WITH the deteriorating player base of SoM that is unlikely to bolster Classic Era numbers at the end of it’s run.