Free transfers just screwed incendius

I’m pretty sure whatever the fix was didn’t work out so they did transfers instead. Also if they had waited another week to try some of the things people said they would of got killed by everyone for waiting so long. It’s really a no win for them.

… but… thats exactly what they did?

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Yup, the solution that would have been perfect 2 months ago was done after the server destroyed itself with free transfers from one faction (If only blizzard had seen this happen before and had any clue it might happen again!)

They basically cut off their patients diseased arm, and then gave him a shot that cures the disease while holding the severed arm.

oh, no disagreement there. like i said earlier, its a bandaid on a bullet wound at this point.

Everything was fine until they allowed transfers to our FULL pop server unchecked. A bunch of fleeing Alliance from other servers all jumped on ours (break1). Then we had major queue’s their solution was to then open up free transfers off of Incendius. Horde leave. (Break2). They should have made it Alliance only transfers off after the initial blunder, since Alliance were the ones with the large population now. We had several months of a solid server from day one leaning slightly horde heavy, but relatively balanced and in the span of a few weeks they destroyed it by their amateur planning and decisions.

but are the queues fixed?

It’s funny you say that. I remember phase two when my realm Faribanks was one of the four Horde only free transfers off. Skeram and Stalagg were among those four. Fairbanks is 70/30 horde favored and it’s because horde didn’t bother to transfer off a faction dominated server.

I don’t believe that this issue is faction specific, the majority faction never wants to leave and wants to reap the rewards of the majority until it’s too late such as Skeram, Stalagg, Lucifron, Flamelash. Then they beg for free transfers once the entire enemy faction is gone. Rinse and repeat.

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The best part about this is- he posted it AFTER they did literally just that.

Sorry my guy, they did just lock servers, and it’s a good thing and will save servers in the future from mass exoduses.

It’s the nature of guilds to want to have an advantage, incentive.
So on high pop servers they need to stop a big influx of people coming causing massive ques in a short period of time.
This is a server killer policy you seen that just killed 3 or 4 servers.

The problem is, they didn’t stop the transfers to Inc, untill after they opened the flood gates and had a mass exodus. :frowning:
The damage is done, but they learned and moving forward I think servers are going to protected now.

Faction free transfer relief…
and locking down full servers from mass paid guild transfers…

^^^^ Winning strategy moving forward, and if implemented sooner, could have saved all these problems. :frowning:

But how hard it is to figure that a few servers are having que issues, some very bad after massive paid transfers to them, and think, HEY!! why don’t we stops paid transfers to full servers?!?!?!

Like this ain’t rocket science here?!?!?

So if they thought this threw earlier, this was a win for them, and a save of 3 server communities.

But I’m glad they learned their lesson, and lets move on and get back to some form of normalcy.

Which is exactly what they want to happen at $25 a pop lol

You think they honestly care at this point when there is 100 different things they could EASILY do to help balance the servers and transfers?

ROFL after the server has one faction completely decimated by completely open free transfers they start talking about solutions that would have fixed the problems we were having. Good thing Ion understands how important community is in classic wow guys.