Free transfers just screwed incendius

Given the fact that Blizzard refuses to provide the data necessary to make an informed decision, Blizzard absolutely carries the majority of fault here.


wah wah wah i can’t log on

wah wah wah people have changed server

This is why Blizzard does not get involved directly with server populations.

You don’t need exact data to make this decision. The server is overpopulated, you are given the option for free to move to a server with no queues. The only unknown is how many are considering moving which Blizzard does not have.

Maybe talk with your community to organize a decent sized transfer to a low server and repopulate it.

Or you can sit here blaming Blizzard for a player made issue.



Not to mention creating some balancing pressure like giving the larger faction some sort of penalty or the smaller faction a bonus.

Let’s say that if someone transfers from a high faction to a lower one they get some gold or a few buff items or similar. Maybe even make it scale with the magnitude of the imbalance, nothing if a faction is 45% to 50%, one unit if it’s 40% to 45%, four units for 35% to 40%, nine for 30% to 35%, and so on.

Incentives and penalties are a great way to provide a centering mechanism, it gives people some feedback to base their decisions on and it encourages balance without being draconian.

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Free gold? Buffs? What is this retail?


This is a theoretical discussion about a better game. I don’t expect it to happen in Classic and this is why we have such problems in Classic.

Blizzard should have just made a better game than either Retail or Classic but instead they chose to make a museum with all the problems it had, historically, and even more because the population has changed so much.

So now we deal with this kind of insane ping-ponging and the second a solution is offered those people get shouted down. No wonder Blizzard doesn’t say anything or try to change the situation, it’s a lose-lose for them. Better to do nothing except allow transfers and let people get mad at each other.

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And for how long was Vanilla touted as the peak of the MMO experience by a vocal portion of the community? That is why Blizzard released this, already made content they could sell subs with. I’m glad I don’t constantly worry over faction balance on my PvE server and haven’t had the need to transfer once.

Retail is their attempt to continually make a better version. Some of the Shadowlands stuff already looks like they are considering aspects of Vanilla. I would imagine shutting down WoW for WoW 2 would cause more problems as everything we have done from vanilla to BFA would actually be deleted.

If Blizzard were going to close WoW for a new MMO, which I would be fine with, I hope they announce it very far in advance so we know the end is coming and when.


What’s done is done… again. Transfer now or forever hold your peace. Incredibly stubborn of Alliance to not help solve the problems and transfer off. Worried about your destination server? Try coordinating with multiple guilds to make a player-based solution.


Well, it sounds pretty authentic then considering this is exactly what happened the first time around.

Spoiler - players WANT be on servers where they are the majority.


It’s not that authentic at all. There were never queues this bad after the first 2 weeks or so, plus the servers never got as unbalanced as they are now. There were a few servers that were a bit unbalanced but what’s happening now is far more extreme than that.

Not to mention they made the max server capacity larger than they used to be so stuff like black lotus is far tougher to get than it was in Vanilla.

Classic is not an authentic Vanilla experience in many ways, it’s more like a warped and twisted museum version. Much less fun than it was the first time around and not at all what most people hoped for.

That’s just it, the vocal portion. In many cases the majority is silent and it’s a few loud voices that are the most obvious. Blizzard should never have let that vocal portion drive the game. That’s why we have the mess we have now.


In vanilla blizzard created servers and let players play where they want.

They did several instances of free transfers to low pop servers and introduced paid transfers.

Classic they made servers and let players play where they want. They repeatedly told of queues on some servers (warnings for Whitemane have been out since before WoW launched). Players chose where to go. There are plenty enough servers to make nobody have a queue but players don’t want to go there. It’s all about the “mega server” experience.

Server caps were raised so there would be less queues, but it’s not enough. And I have a heard time imagining if they announced tomorrow server caps were being cut in half it would be a super popular decision.

Vanilla didn’t launch with 300 websites micro tracking every single aspect of the game. We had a half baked thottbot. Players just wanted to log into a Warcraft universe not worried about how black lotus farming would be at 60 and how that would make parsing more difficult. That entire mentality didn’t exist (or was extremely niche).


Right. And Blizzard should have accounted for the changed environment when they did Classic. They added temporary layering for that reason but they dropped the ball on many other aspects.

You don’t replicate a game experience by making it exactly the same and ignoring the changed circumstances, you try to account for what’s changed and make a game which can adjust for such things in order to deliver a fun experience.

It’s like if climate change caused an area to get more rain. Do you rebuild a dam exactly the same as before or do you re-engineer it to withstand the greater amount of water? Obviously blind replication in the face of changed circumstances is insanely stupid.


Pretty sure the idea of recreating classic is to recreate it with as few changes as possible…

Layering was a quick 1 month thing to handle when 70% of the initial rush quit and the more interested players were left.


People saying that the burden is on us players is just delusional.
They are acting like a slave on a plantation after seeing one of their peers die from starvation start saying crap like “If we worked harder he wouldn’t die”.

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Blizzard creates a video game where you can choose to play on any server you want.

Complete freedom.

If a bunch of nerds in discord want to all congregate on 4 servers that is within their right to do so.

Needing daddy bliz police to make sure you play the correct faction on the correct server isn’t exactly a great plan…


If you recreate it as closely as possible then you will not get the same game as you used to have because of outside circumstances. You’ll have a game that, minus the human factor, will be the same. However, when you mix in the outside factors it will be wildly different.

Vanilla didn’t had this level of queues at this point in the game, it didn’t have this level of faction imbalances, the BG were not this lopsided, the server economies were more reasonable and stable. This may be a similar game mechanically but the real-life gameplay is significantly different.

In order to replicate the game you need to account for what’s changed with the players.

By forcing/limiting player action?

No thanks.


Well… This has been an experience with more transfers than ever coming to our server. I was very happy with how Earthfury was but I guess I will try to embrace change.

I’m hoping the horde influx puts our Earthfury server numbers to 50/50 where they belong instead of the previous 62% alliance.