When are we gunna get free server transfers or all these servers merged into one mega server?
No mega servers, please. There’s WAY too many low IQ lemmings about on Benediction/Atiesh as it is.
Free transfers most likely not for a long while if ever.
sorry but that’s everywhere.
Free server xfers come when xpacs launch, so July-ish??
We’re most likely not gonna see much more merge as they probably won’t merge pvp/non-pvp realm, west/east realms or rp/non-rp realms. They probably should close the dead realms but for most of it I doubt we’re gonna go to one mega server. It could be interesting to merge pvp realms and see what happens (as they are now mostly one faction) but probably should be put to a vote.
coming from one of these small dead servers they could tighten it up for sure, even if its just putting all the small ones together. They let non-rp realm transfer to an rp realm so dont think theres much weight on that
Arugal Alliance calls for aid! blizz give us free faction change
we had 657 logs on ironforge last week and are not connected to any one for rdf
Free Transfers from Bloodsail Buccaneers !!!
I made a very important post about this exact topic on how to keep a community/server alive/healthy for all of MoP.
"ONE well-balanced PvP server can create a dynamic and engaging WPvP environment throughout an expansion like MoP. This is because the expansion’s phased content and diverse zones naturally encourage player interaction and conflict. These WPvP encounters, in turn, motivate players to participate in structured PvP activities like Arenas, Rated BGs, or even Random BGs to gear up and improve their chances of success in future WPvP engagements.
This creates a self-sustaining PvP ecosystem where:
- World PvP Engagements: The open-world zones and phased content of MoP (e.g., Timeless Isle, Krasarang Wilds) naturally foster WPvP as players compete for resources, objectives, or simply engage in spontaneous skirmishes.
- Gearing Incentive: Players who frequently engage in WPvP will seek to improve their gear and skills to gain an edge in these encounters. This drives them to participate in Arenas, RBGs, or Random BGs, where they can earn better PvP gear and rewards.
- Skill Development: Structured PvP modes like Arenas and RBGs help players refine their skills, teamwork, and strategies, which they can then apply back to WPvP scenarios.
- Cycle of Engagement: The constant threat of WPvP keeps players invested in PvP activities throughout the expansion, ensuring a lively and competitive PvP community.
This interconnected system ensures that PvP remains a core part of the gameplay experience, with WPvP acting as the driving force behind player participation in other PvP modes. It also highlights the importance of balance, as a well-tuned PvP environment encourages fair and enjoyable competition, keeping players engaged and motivated."
tldr; One PvP server is the best option mid-long term.
95% of players on pvp servers dont care for pvp. lop sided servers happened in tbc when players moved to high pop server so they could get groups for pve
we would be better off if they merge servers to add warmode
oceanic servers in desperate need of help blizzard, get us all on Arugal horde
Yeah it makes no sense that RDF isn’t connected to NA on classic. Its been connected on retail for ages, and they have a larger population than cata.
Pretty much this, the only players which wouldn’t be happy are those who want a smaller realm for community reasons and so-called “WPvPers” who want to grief.
and before someone comments no I’m not denying WPvP as an aspect of the game… I’m talking about the players who specific want to grief other players and do not actually care about WPvP.
This entirely defeats the purpose of a PvP server. Warmode makes every server essentially a PvE server with /PvP (Warmode).
Best solution is merge all PvP servers into one and implement faction balance mechanism as seen in Classic Era Refresh.
Absolutely no one objects to what they signed up for on Nightslayer (Classic Era Refresh).
Or just open free character transfers and see what the population does
+1, bloodsail buccaneers population has dwindled. trying to get into wow and this has been a bummer since we can’t transfer to a server with healthy population
Or just open free character transfers and see what the population does
This is basically the solution if you’re seriously too scared to combine Grob. Open up the free transfer nozzle for a couple months, keep the cooldown (or increase it to dissuade chronic jumpers) and let us reorganize to save our raid community if you’re not actually going to help or support the game you keep taking monthly $$ for