Free server migration off dead/locked realms

Contacted support about this. They ‘magically’ gave me one day of game time and pasted a link to a Blizzard article that is broken.
I logged into my former bank alts on Azuresong (classic). Did not see 1 player in all of Org. Have thousands of materials and some gold there and would like them to be reunited with my main character on Mankrik. Will there be migration in the near future for locked/dead realms?

Retail more then likely not i cant rember the last time they offered retail. You are probably gona have to pay for a transfer.

Also theres no one here that would know about that.

CS doesn’t provide the migration, those usually come from development and announcements are made in the classic discussions forum.

When they do open there is no guarantee that they will be open for long.

Usually they an option when realms are full or slated for cosure, essentially in classic servers only.


There will never be transfers off of a low population realm, UNLESS the realm has been slated for closure. If that’s the case then you have to transfer off and they usually give options.


Like others have said unless they are closing a realm they will only ever offer transfers from high pop realms to low pop ones. Giving them on low pop realms would only make things worse.

You could submit a suggestion to possibly consider closing the realm if it is that dead.


I wholeheartedly agree that this is the appropriate use for transfers in theory. But, in practice, LOL, if only this were true! Transfers have been shamefully mismanaged throughout Classic’s history.

More to the point, OP you should have a free transfer available for any and all Classic Era characters to either The PvP West (Whitemane) or PvE East (Mankrik) clusters.

You are sorely mistaken. I made a thread about this very topic (, over a year ago, covering a problem which began years prior. It still holds true and is the reason I’ve stopped playing WoW.

Here is more evidence that Classic Era Free Transfers are being abused to mule resources off low-pop realms:

They will never make free transfers from low pop servers, doing so would make bad situations much worse. That would not happen unless they where going to close a server.